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Zeile 827: Zeile 827:
:Da scheinbar hier und [ da] keiner eine Meinung hat, vieleicht interesiert ja jemanden die Meinungen der MA/en dazu und bringt den einen oder anderen dazu die Diskussion wieder auf zu nehmen!
:Da scheinbar hier und [ da] keiner eine Meinung hat, vieleicht interesiert ja jemanden die Meinungen der MA/en dazu und bringt den einen oder anderen dazu die Diskussion wieder auf zu nehmen!
==Post-Meet up==
==Post-Meet up==
So... when and where can we plebs read how this went? -- [[User:Capricorn|Capricorn]] ([[User talk:Capricorn|talk]]) 16:50, September 10, 2015 (UTC)
So... when and where can we plebs read how this went? -- [[User:Capricorn|Capricorn]] ([[User talk:Capricorn|talk]]) 16:50, September 10, 2015 (UTC)
Zeile 892: Zeile 891:
::::#We're most likely going to have to have some ads, unless kickstarter like methods will work better than I think, but it ''will'' be less than the number of ads right now, and we would have control over them. That makes it worth it in my book. Since we '''''don{{'}}t''''' have our own domain anymore, a report like that will be much harder to put together, but not all of our hosting options would require us to put together such a report, since some, if not most, of them would do it themselves, though I too am interested in those numbers. I'm pretty wikia has them based on the info I remember being on displays when I was there, and sulfur might if it came up, but if he does I'm sure there's an NDA covering that. That leads me to the next point though...
::::#We're most likely going to have to have some ads, unless kickstarter like methods will work better than I think, but it ''will'' be less than the number of ads right now, and we would have control over them. That makes it worth it in my book. Since we '''''don{{'}}t''''' have our own domain anymore, a report like that will be much harder to put together, but not all of our hosting options would require us to put together such a report, since some, if not most, of them would do it themselves, though I too am interested in those numbers. I'm pretty wikia has them based on the info I remember being on displays when I was there, and sulfur might if it came up, but if he does I'm sure there's an NDA covering that. That leads me to the next point though...
::::#Not all options where we leave actually require us to actually "leave". They're all very, ''very'', '''''very''''' unlikely based on wikia's complete lack of interest to agreeing to anything that makes them any less money on our content then they get ''right now'', because it takes an ''adult'' to delay immediate gratification in favor of a better long term deal, but those options do still exist. I've already secured serviceable domain names awhile ago just in case though, and getting ''our'' domain back is a priority, but how would depend on how we "leave". Let's be clear though, we '''don{{'}}t''' have the domain right now, not really, so other than the old acknowledgments and sentimental reasons, which I do have btw, it's still a net positive in getting a new one we control as far as I can see going forward.
::::#Not all options where we leave actually require us to actually "leave". They're all very, ''very'', '''''very''''' unlikely based on wikia's complete lack of interest to agreeing to anything that makes them any less money on our content then they get ''right now'', because it takes an ''adult'' to delay immediate gratification in favor of a better long term deal, but those options do still exist. I've already secured serviceable domain names awhile ago just in case though, and getting ''our'' domain back is a priority, but how would depend on how we "leave". Let's be clear though, we '''don{{'}}t''' have the domain right now, not really, so other than the old acknowledgments and sentimental reasons, which I do have btw, it's still a net positive in getting a new one we control as far as I can see going forward.
::::I'm willing to discuss my thoughts on these topics in extensive detail, but not here, for reasons I think are obvious. If anyone is interested, feel free to email me at my username for more info. - {{User:Archduk3/Sig/nature}} 05:00, September 16, 2015 (UTC)</blockquote>
::::I'm willing to discuss my thoughts on these topics in extensive detail, but not here, for reasons I think are obvious. If anyone is interested, feel free to email me at my username for more info. - {{User:Archduk3/Sig/nature}} 05:00, September 16, 2015 (UTC)
'''Vieleicht hat ja einer Lust, dieses für die die es nicht so mit dem englichen haben, zu übersetzen.''' --[[Spezial:Beiträge/|]] 11:46, 19. Sep. 2015 (UTC)
'''Vieleicht hat ja einer Lust, dieses für die die es nicht so mit dem englichen haben, zu übersetzen.''' --[[Spezial:Beiträge/|]] 11:46, 19. Sep. 2015 (UTC)
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