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Zeile 35: Zeile 35:
== Hintergrundinformationen (Zitate) ==
== Hintergrundinformationen (Zitate) ==
{{TNG|Das Gesetz der Edo}}:
{{TNG|Das Gesetz der Edo}}:
<blockquote>PICARD (V.O.): Captain's log, supplemental. We have encountered a strange vessel-like object, one with frightening power, which appears to exist partly in another dimension. On the world below…</blockquote>
<blockquote>PICARD (V.O.): Captain's log, supplemental. We have encountered a strange vessel-like object, one with frightening power, which appears to exist partly in another dimension. On the world below...</blockquote>
<blockquote>DATA (without pause): It is perhaps not what we'd understand as a "vessel," sir. The dimensions this one occupies allows them to… well, to be in several places at once. But they consider this entire star cluster to be theirs, and it was probably unwise of us to attempt to place a human colony in this area.</blockquote>
<blockquote>DATA (without pause): It is perhaps not what we'd understand as a "vessel," sir. The dimensions this one occupies allows them to... well, to be in several places at once. But they consider this entire star cluster to be theirs, and it was probably unwise of us to attempt to place a human colony in this area.</blockquote>
{{TNG|Rikers Versuchung}}:
{{TNG|Rikers Versuchung}}:
<blockquote>"Q" (COMMANDER) (trace of annoyance): The limitless dimensions of the galaxy in which we exist. We could hardly be capable of acting in ways that seem so astonishing to you… if we were limited to the primitive dimensions in which you live, dimensions which would make us prisoners of time and space.</blockquote>
<blockquote>"Q" (COMMANDER) (trace of annoyance): The limitless dimensions of the galaxy in which we exist. We could hardly be capable of acting in ways that seem so astonishing to you... if we were limited to the primitive dimensions in which you live, dimensions which would make us prisoners of time and space.</blockquote>
{{meta|[[Data]], [[Jean-Luc Picard|Picard]] und [[Q]] beschreiben hier eine Dimension als ein alternativen Ort.}}  
{{meta|[[Data]], [[Jean-Luc Picard|Picard]] und [[Q]] beschreiben hier eine Dimension als ein alternativen Ort.}}  
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