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Memory Alpha Nova β

Bearbeiten von „All the Way“

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Aktuelle Version Dein Text
Zeile 5: Zeile 5:
When somebody loves you
When somebody loves you
It's no good unless he loves you all the way
It's no good unless he loves you - all the way
Happy to be near you
Happy to be near you
When you need someone to cheer you all the way
When you need someone to cheer you - all the way
Taller than the tallest tree is
Taller than the tallest tree is
Thats how it's got to feel
Thats how it's got to feel
Deeper than the deep blue see is
Deeper than the deep blue see is
Thats how deep it goes if it's real
Thats how deep it goes - if it's real
When somebody needs you
When somebody needs you
It's no good unless he needs you all the way
It's no good unless he needs you - all the way
Through the good or lean years
Through the good or lean years
And for all the in between years come what may
And for all the in between years - come what may
Who know where the road will lead us
Who know where the road will lead us
Only a fool would say
Only a fool would say
But if you'll let me love you
But if you'll let me love you
It's for sure Im gonna love you all the way
It's for sure Im gonna love you - all the way
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