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Forum:Broken external links in the main namespace of MA/de

* Aero-Wing -- "Internal Server Error" (500) for http://techspecs.acalltoduty.com/intrepid.html#9.3%20AEROWING%20SHUTTLE
* Barbara Ratthey -- "Not Found" (404) for http://www.stimmgerecht.de/schau/ratbar.htm
* Brannon Braga -- "Internal Server Error" (500) for http://www.brannonbraga.com/
* Dayna Devon -- "Not Found" (404) for http://extratv.warnerbros.com/backstage/hosts/devon.html
* Ernst Meincke -- "Not Found" (404) for http://www.stimmgerecht.de/schau/meiern.htm
* Jeri Ryan -- "Forbidden" (403) for http://7of9.de
* Joseline Gassen -- "Not Found" (404) for http://www.stimmgerecht.de/schau/gasjos.htm
* Macintosh -- "Not Found" (404) for http://www.geektimes.com/michael/techno/computing/hardware/products/apple/macintosh/misc/project-star-trek.html
* Poker -- "Not Found" (404) for http://www.gppa.de/spielregeln/allgemein/index.asp
* Quark's -- "Not Found" (404) for http://www.startrekexp.com/restaurant.php
* Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Crossroads of Time -- "Internal Server Error" (500) for http://www.mpmolyneaux.com/mm-ds9.htm
* Star Trek: Voyager – Elite Force -- "Not Found" (404) for http://www.ravensoft.com/elite_force.html
* Thomas Danneberg -- "Not Found" (404) for http://www.stimmgerecht.de/schau/dantho.htm

A few are just typos or bad template calls, I think. --Bp 23:11, 14. Dez 2006 (UTC)

Habe die IMDB-Links verbessert
www.stimmgerecht.de hat irgendwann mal auf php umgestellt, habe die links ausgebessert. --KenKeeler -- Postfach 15:52, 15. Dez 2006 (UTC)