keine Bearbeitungszusammenfassung
| Spezies = [[Jarada]]
| Person = [[Arthur Clinton Bradley]], [[Zefram Cochrane|Zephram Cochrane]], [[Joe DiMaggio]], [[Tommy Dorsey]], [[Garth von Izar|Garth]], [[Phillip Green]], [[Adolf Hitler]], [[Lawrence Kubie]], [[Sharon McNary]], [[Harcourt Mudd]], [[John Rawley]], [[Gene Roddenberry (24. Jahrhundert)|Gene Roddenberry]], [[Franklin Delano Roosevelt]], [[Sarek]], [[Jason Smith]], [[Wilhelm Stekel]], [[Jim Tierney]], [[Gregory Zilboorg]]
| Kultur = [[Baseball]], [[Cleveland Indians]], ''[[Der lange, dunkle Tunnel]]'', [[Dollar]], ''[[Erstaunliche Detektivgeschichten]]'', ''[[Esquire]]'', [[Cap Fallon]], [[Paddy Fallon]], [[Halloween|Fasching]], ''[[History of Medical Psychology]]'', [[Lasker]], ''[[Legal Medicine and Toxicology]]'', ''[[Life]]'', ''[[Look]]'', ''[[The New Yorker]]'', ''[[New York Times]]'', [[Parker (Dixon Hill)|Parker]], ''[[Psychopathia Sexualis]]'', [[Rauchen]], [[Ryan]], ''[[San Francisco Globe]]'', ''[[San Francisco Herald]]'', ''[[San Francisco Sun]]'', [[William P. Sheridan]], [[Sprache]], [[Tanz]], ''[[The Problem of Anxiety]]'', ''[[Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex]]'', [[Jim Tierney]], ''[[Time]]'', ''[[Totem and Taboo]]'', ''[[Technique of Analytical Psychotherapy]]'', [[Charles Wilson]], [[Serena Wilson]]
| Schiffe =
| Ort = [[Brücke]], [[Fairmont Hotel]], [[Hendler's Sanitarium]], [[Kalifornien]], [[Krankenstation]], [[Massachusetts]], [[Massachusetts Bar]], [[New York]], [[New York City]], [[Palazzo Venezia]], [[Palo Alto]], [[Park Avenue]], [[Park Row]], [[Portland]], [[Precinct 12]], [[RCA Building]], [[Rockefeller Center]], [[San Francisco]], [[Sing Sing]], [[Straße]], [[Südamerika]], [[Times Square]], [[Trinity Church]], [[Union League]], [[Union Square]], [[Wien]], [[World Building]]