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Mission Log

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[[Datei:MissionLog.jpg|thumb|Das Cover-Art des Mission Log Podcast]]
''[[Mission Log]]'' ist ein wöchentlicher Podcast über ''[[Star Trek]]''. ''Mission Log'' wird von Roddenberry Entertainment, der Firma von [[Gene Roddenberry]]s [[Rod Roddenberry|Sohn Gene ''Rod'' Roddenberry Jr.]] produziert. Das Projekt, das im August 2012 gestartet worden ist<ref>{{Webbeleg|Art=Artikel|Autor=Anthony Pascale|URL=http://trekmovie.com/2012/08/10/roddenberry-launches-podcast-series-to-explore-themes-of-every-star-trek-episode/|Titel=Roddenberry Launches Podcast Series To Explore Themes Of Every Star Trek Episode|Haupt-URL=http://trekmovie.com/|Übertitel=Trekmovie.com|Datum=2012-08-10|Abgerufen=2012-10-11}}</ref>, hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, alle 726 Episoden aller sechs Serien zu besprechen. In jeder Woche wird eine Episode vorgestellt und analysiert, begonnen mit den Episoden von {{S|TOS}} in Ausstrahlungsreihenfolge.<ref>{{Webbeleg|URL=http://www.missionlogpodcast.com/about.html|Titel=Mission Log|Haupt-URL=http://www.missionlogpodcast.com/|Übertitel=missionlogpodcast.com|Abgerufen=2012-10-11}}</ref>. Dabei gibt es seitens [[Rod Roddenberry]] keine Obligationen sämtliche Episoden als ''gut'' zu befinden.<ref name="aquiel"/> Das Projekt wird diesem Plan entsprechend fast 14 Jahre bis zum Abschluss benötigen. Nach dem Start von {{S|DSC}} wurde eine weitere Reihe ''Mission Log Live'' gestartet, in der die jeweils aktuelle {{S|DSC}}-Episode in einem Interview mit einem Produktionsbeteiligten besprochen wurde. Nach dem Start von {{S|Short Treks}} und {{S|PIC}} gab es auch Interviews und Besprechungen von deren Episoden. Im Herbst 2021 begannen Sie mit einer weiteren Reihe, in der die ''Star Trek''-Parodie [[Parodien und Anspielungen auf Star Trek (Fernsehen)/The Orville|''The Orville'']] besprochen wird. Mit Ausnahme von {{VOY|Skorpion, Teil I}} und {{e|Skorpion, Teil II}} wurden Doppelfolgen in einer Sendung besprochen.
Als erste Gastgeber des ''Mission Logs'' traten seit 2012 die beiden Podcaster John Champion und Ken Ray auf. Aufgrund der Länge des Projekts sind sich die Beteiligten jedoch im Klaren darüber, dass die Gastgeber vermutlich im Laufe der Zeit ausgetauscht werden müssen.<ref>Rod Roddenberry im Interview mit Christopher Jones: {{Webbeleg|Art=Podcast|URL=http://trek.fm/matter-stream/2012/9/10/matter-stream-14-mission-log-and-genes-philosophy.html|Titel=Matter Stream 14: Mission Log and Gene's Philosophy|Haupt-URL=http://trek.fm/|Übertitel=Trek.fm|Datum=2012-09-10|Abgerufen=2012-10-11}}</ref> Im Oktober 2019 gaben Champion und Ray im Supplemental 54 bekannt, dass Ken Ray das Projekt verlässt.<ref>John Champion und Ken Ray: {{Webbeleg|Art=Podcast|URL=https://www.missionlogpodcast.com/a-change-of-plans/|Titel=Supplemental 54|Haupt-URL=https://www.missionlogpodcast.com/|Übertitel=missionlogpodcast.com|Datum=2019-10-28|Abgerufen=2019-11-26}}</ref> Als sein Nachfolger wurde am {{Datum|2020-01-03|metalink}} Norman C. Lao vorgestellt.<ref>{{Webbeleg|Art=Podcast|URL=https://www.missionlogpodcast.com/your-new-mission-log-co-host/|Titel=Your New Mission Log Co-Host|Haupt-URL=https://www.missionlogpodcast.com/|Übertitel=missionlogpodcast.com|Datum=2020-01-09|Abgerufen=2020-02-09}}</ref>
Kommentiert wird der Podcast zumeist sarkastisch vom [[Computerstimme|Computer]]. Verwendet wird hierfür die synthetische Stimme ''Samantha'' von Apple Inc. welche der von [[Majel Barrett]] nicht unähnlich ist.
Anlässlich des Streiks der SAG-AFTRA und der WGA unterbrach Mission Log seine normale Ausstrahlungsreihenfolge. Stattdessen wurde ein Special produziert und die Besucher aufgefordert, sich die bis dahin ausgestrahlten Episoden (erneut) anzuhören. Nachdem der Streik am {{Datum|2023-11-09}} beendet wurde, folgten ab {{Datum|2023-11-27}} neue Folgen des Podcasts.
== Programm-Segmente ==
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 43</small>
| ''Runaway with Larry Nemecek''
| {{ST|EntlaufenAusreißer}}
| {{Datum|2018-10-09T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
| ''The One with Two Short Treks''
* {{ST|Q&AFragenrunde}}* {{ST|The Trouble with Das Problem mit Edward}}
| {{Datum|2019-10-15T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 94</small>
| ''Another One with the Short Trek "Ask Not"''
| {{ST|Ask NotKeine Fragen}}
| {{Datum|2019-11-19T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 1</small>
| ''Lost and Found''
| * {{PRO|Lost and FoundGesucht und Gefunden, Teil I}}* {{PRO|Gesucht und Gefunden, Teil II}}
| {{Datum|2021-10-28T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 2</small>
| ''Star Struck''
| {{PRO|Star StruckSehnsucht nach den Sternen}}
| {{Datum|2021-11-05T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 3</small>
| ''Dream Catcher''
| {{PRO|Dream CatcherTraumfänger}}
| {{Datum|2021-11-12T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 4</small>
| ''Terror Firma''
| {{PRO|Terror FirmaDer Killerplanet}}
| {{Datum|2021-11-19T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 7</small>
| ''First Contact''
| {{PRO|First ContactErstkontakt}}
| {{Datum|2022-01-14T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 8</small>
| ''First Contact''
| {{PRO|Time AmokZeitphasen}}
| {{Datum|2022-01-21T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 9</small>
| ''First Contact''
| * {{PRO|A Moral StarRückkehr nach Tars Lamora, Teil I}}* {{PRO|Rückkehr nach Tars Lamora, Teil II}}
| {{Datum|2022-01-28T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
* {{PIC|Abschied}}
* {{SNW|Strange New WorldsFremde neue Welten}}
| {{Datum|2022-05-09T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 183</small>
| Discovering "Children of the Comet"
| {{SNW|Children of the CometKinder des Kometen}}
| {{Datum|2022-05-16T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 184</small>
| Discovering "Ghosts of Illyria"
| {{SNW|Ghosts of Geister von Illyria}}
| {{Datum|2022-05-23T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
| ''Aaron Waltke''
| Interview mit Aaron Waltke
| {{Datum|2022-06-02T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}|- style="background: #3a5766"! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Orville Supplemental">ORVILLE SUPPL</abbr> 4</small>| ''The One With Tom Costantino''| The Orville| {{Datum|2022-05-??T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Orville">ORVILLE</abbr> 25</small>
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 187</small>
| Discovering "Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach"
| {{SNW|Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot ReachErhebe uns dorthin, wo das Leid nicht hinkommt}}
| {{Datum|2022-06-14T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 188</small>
| Discovering "The Serene Squall"
| {{SNW|The Serene SquallDie heitere Sturmböe}}
| {{Datum|2022-06-21T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 189</small>
| Discovering "The Elysian Kingdom"
| {{SNW|The Elysian KingdomDas elysische Königreich}}
| {{Datum|2022-06-28T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
| Discovering "All Those Who Wander" und "A Quality Of Mercy"
* {{SNW|All Those Who WanderAlle, die wandern}}* {{SNW|A Quality Of MercyEine Eigenschaft der Barmherzigkeit}}
| {{Datum|2022-07-05T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 192</small>
| Discovering Grounded
| {{LDS|GroundedStartverbot}}
| {{Datum|2022-08-30T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 193</small>
| The Least Dangerous Game
| {{LDS|The Least Dangerous GameDas ungefährlichste Spiel}}
| {{Datum|2022-09-06T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 194</small>
| Discovering "Mining The Mind's Mines"
| {{LDS|Mining The Mind's MinesDas Psycho-Gestein}}
| {{Datum|2022-09-13T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 195</small>
| Discovering "Room for Growth"
| {{LDS|Room for GrowthRaum für Entfaltung}}
| {{Datum|2022-09-20T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 196</small>
| Discovering "Reflections"
| {{LDS|ReflectionsSpiegelbilder}}
| {{Datum|2022-09-27T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 197</small>
| Discovering "Hear All, Trust Nothing"
| {{LDS|Hear All, Trust NothingDiplomatie mal anders}}
| {{Datum|2022-10-04T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 198</small>
| Discovering "A Mathematically Perfect Redemption"
| {{LDS|A Mathematically Perfect RedemptionEine mathematisch perfekte Vergeltung}}
| {{Datum|2022-10-04T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 199</small>
| Discovering "Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus"
| {{LDS|Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus}}
| {{Datum|2022-10-18T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 200</small>
| Discovering "Trusted Sources"
| {{LDS|Trusted SourcesDas große Missverständnis}}
| {{Datum|2022-10-25T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 201</small><ref>Diese Ausgabe wurde fehlerhaft als Nummer 121 angezeigt.</ref>
| Discovering "The Stars at Night"
| {{LDS|The Stars at NightDie Sterne in der Nacht}}
| {{Datum|2022-11-08T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 13</small>
| ''Crossroads''
| {{PRO|CrossroadsAm Scheideweg}}
| {{Datum|2022-11-22T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 14</small>
| ''Masquerade''
| {{PRO|MasqueradeMaskerade}}
| {{Datum|2022-11-29T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 15</small>
| ''Preludes''
| {{PRO|PreludesPräludium}}
| {{Datum|2022-12-05T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 16</small>
| ''Ghost in the Machine''
| {{PRO|Ghost Der Geist in the Machineder Maschine}}
| {{Datum|2022-12-13T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 17</small>
| ''Mindwalk''
| {{PRO|MindwalkDer Körpertausch}}
| {{Datum|2022-12-20T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
| {{Datum|2023-02-02T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Orville Supplemental">ORVILLE SUPPL</abbr> 35</small>
| ''Brannon Braga: The Trek Years''
| The Orville - Interview mit [[Brannon Braga]]
| {{Datum|2023-02-14T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Orville Supplemental">ORVILLE SUPPL</abbr> 46</small>
| ''Brannon Braga: The Orville Years''
| The Orville - Interview mit [[Brannon Braga]]
| {{Datum|2023-03-30T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Orville Supplemental">ORVILLE SUPPL</abbr> 57</small>
| ''Joel McNeely''
| The Orville - Interview mit Joel McNeely
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 215</small>
| Discovering "Vox"
| {{PIC|VoxVõx}}
| {{Datum|2023-04-18T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 222</small>
| Discovering "Tomorrow And Tomorrow And Tomorrow"
| {{SNW|Tomorrow And Tomorrow And TomorrowMorgen und morgen und morgen}}
| {{Datum|2023-07-04T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 223</small>
| Discovering "Among The Lotus Eaters"
| {{SNW|Among The Lotus EatersUnter den Lotusessern}}
| {{Datum|2023-07-11T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
| {{VOY|Skorpion Teil I}}
| {{Datum|2023-07-13T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 224</small>
| Discovering "Charades"
| {{SNW|Scharaden}}
| {{Datum|2023-07-18T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Orville Supplemental">ORVILLE SUPPL</abbr> 8</small>
| ''David Cabeza''
| The Orville - Interview mit David Cabeza
| {{Datum|2023-07-19T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 502
| ''Scorpion Part II''
| {{VOY|Skorpion Teil II}}
| {{Datum|2023-07-20T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 225</small>
| An Update with Rod Roddenberry
| Interview mit [[Rod Roddenberry]]
| {{Datum|2023-07-25T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 503
| ''The Gift''
| {{VOY|Die Gabe}}
| {{Datum|2023-07-27T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 226</small>
| The One Before 57 Year Mission
| {{Datum|2023-08-01T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 504
| ''Day of Honor''
| {{VOY|Tag der Ehre}}
| {{Datum|2023-08-03T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Supplemental">SUPPL</abbr> 74</small>
| The Nostalgia Factor – Live at STLV 2023
| {{Datum|2023-08-0?T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 227</small>
| The One After 57 Year Mission
| {{Datum|2023-08-08T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 505
| ''Nemesis''
| {{VOY|Nemesis}}
| {{Datum|2023-08-10T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Supplemental">SUPPL</abbr> 75</small>
| The One about the Strike – with Bill Wolkoff & Michelle Hurd
| Interview mit Bill Wolkoff und [[Michelle Hurd]]
| {{Datum|2023-08-26T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Supplemental">SUPPL</abbr> 76</small>
| The Demon-Haunted Panel – Live at STLV 2023
| {{Datum|2023-09-03T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 0
| Gene-ology 101
| Interview mit [[Rod Roddenberry]] über das Drehbuch des nicht produzierten Serienpiloten ''Wrangler'' von Gene Roddenberry.
| {{Datum|2023-09-07T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy Supplemental">PRO SUPPL</abbr> 12</small>
| The Makers of Prodigy at STLV
| {{S|PRO}}
| {{Datum|2023-09-12T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 1
| Gene-ology: Defense Plant Gambling
| Interview mit [[Rod Roddenberry]] über das erste von Gene Roddenberry verkaufte Drehbuch, für die Episode ''Defense Plant Gambling'' von ''Inspektor Garrett''.
| {{Datum|2023-09-19T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 2
| Gene-ology: Wife Killer
| Interview mit Al Green über die Episode ''Wife Killer'' von ''Inspektor Garrett''.
| {{Datum|2023-09-26T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 3
| Gene-ology: Police Academy
| Episode ''Police Academy'' von ''Inspektor Garrett''.
| {{Datum|2023-10-02T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 4
| Gene-ology: Court Escape
| Episode ''Court Escape'' von ''Inspektor Garrett''.
| {{Datum|2023-10-09T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Orville Supplemental">ORVILLE SUPPL</abbr> 9</small>
| ''J. Lee''
| The Orville - Interview mit J. Lee
| {{Datum|2023-10-11T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 5
| Gene-ology: Patrol Boat
| Episode ''Patrol Boat'' von ''Inspektor Garrett''.
| {{Datum|2023-10-16T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 6<ref>Diese Ausgabe wurde zunächst fehlerhaft als Nummer 5 angezeigt.</ref>
| Gene-ology: Police Brutality
| Episode ''Police Brutality'' von ''Inspektor Garrett''.
| {{Datum|2023-10-19T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 7
| Gene-ology: The Transporter
| Drehbuchentwurf ''The Transporter''
| {{Datum|2023-10-26T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 8
| Gene-ology: The Secret Weapon of 117
| Episode ''The Secret Weapon of 117'' von ''Chevron Hall of Stars''
| {{Datum|2023-11-02T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 9
| Gene-ology: Reformed Criminal
| Episode ''Reformed Criminal'' von ''Highway Patrol''
| {{Datum|2023-11-09T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 10
| Gene-ology: Human Bomb
| Episode ''Human Bomb'' von ''Highway Patrol''
| {{Datum|2023-11-16T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 506
| ''Revulsion''
| {{VOY|Der Isomorph}}
| {{Datum|2023-11-23T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 11
| Gene-ology: Mental Patient
| Episode ''Mental Patient'' von ''Highway Patrol''
| {{Datum|2023-11-27T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 507
| ''The Raven''
| {{VOY|Der schwarze Vogel}}
| {{Datum|2023-12-06T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 12
| Gene-ology: Prospector
| Episode ''Prospector'' von ''Highway Patrol''
| {{Datum|2023-12-06T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 13
| Gene-ology: Oil Lease
| Episode ''Oil Lease'' von ''Highway Patrol''
| {{Datum|2023-12-11T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 508
| ''Scientific Method''
| {{VOY|Verwerfliche Experimente}}
| {{Datum|2023-12-12T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 14
| Gene-ology: Radioactive
| Episode ''I Led 3 Lives''
| {{Datum|2023-12-19T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 509
| ''Year of Hell, Parts 1 & 2''
* {{VOY|Ein Jahr Hölle, Teil I}}
* {{VOY|Ein Jahr Hölle, Teil II}}
| {{Datum|2023-12-19T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 510
| ''Random Thoughts''
| {{VOY|Gewalttätige Gedanken}}
| {{Datum|2023-12-26T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 511
| ''Concerning Flight''
| {{VOY|Apropos Fliegen}}
| {{Datum|2024-01-03T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 512
| ''Mortal Coil''
| {{VOY|Leben nach dem Tod}}
| {{Datum|2024-01-08T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 15
| Gene-ology: Discredit Police
| Episode ''Discredit Police'' von ''I Led 3 Lives''
| {{Datum|2024-01-??T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 513
| ''Waking Moments''
| {{VOY|Wache Momente}}
| {{Datum|2024-01-11T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! Gene-ology Suppl 1
| Gene-ology: Mailbag #1
| {{Datum|2024-01-14T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 514
| ''Message in a Bottle''
| {{VOY|Flaschenpost}}
| {{Datum|2024-01-18T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 16
| Gene-ology: The Operator and the Martinet
| Episode ''The Operator and the Martinet'' von ''West Point''
| {{Datum|2024-01-22T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 515
| ''Hunters''
| {{VOY|Jäger}}
| {{Datum|2024-01-25T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 17
| Gene-ology: Thicker Than Water
| Episode ''Thicker Than Water'' von ''West Point''
| {{Datum|2024-01-29T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 516
| ''Prey''
| {{VOY|Die Beute}}
| {{Datum|2024-02-01T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 18
| Gene-ology: Man of Action
| Episode ''Man of Action'' von ''West Point''
| {{Datum|2024-02-05T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 517
| ''Retrospect''
| {{VOY|Im Rückblick}}
| {{Datum|2024-02-08T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 19
| Gene-ology: A Double Reverse
| Episode ''A Double Reverse'' von ''West Point''
| {{Datum|2024-02-12T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 518
| ''The Killing Game''
*{{VOY|Das Tötungsspiel, Teil I}}
*{{VOY|Das Tötungsspiel, Teil II}}
| {{Datum|2024-02-15T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 20
| Gene-ology: Jet Flight
| Episode ''Jet Flight'' von ''West Point''
| {{Datum|2024-02-19T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy Supplemental">SUPPL</abbr> 13</small><ref>Dieses Supplemental wurde als "Supplemental 13" bezeichnet und im Archiv unter der Rubrik Prodigy geführt. Zwei Monate später wurde das "Prodigy Supplemental 13" veröffentlicht.</ref>
| Bonnie Gordon
| {{S|PRO}}
| {{Datum|2024-02-20T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Episode Supplemental">ORVILLE SUPPL</abbr> 10</small><ref>Dieses Supplemental wurde zunächst als "Episode Supplemental" bezeichnet, aber als Folge 10 der Orville Supplemental gezählt.</ref>
| Doug Drexler
| Interview mit [[Doug Drexler]]
| {{Datum|2024-02-20T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 519
| ''Vis a vis''
| {{VOY|Vis a vis}}
| {{Datum|2024-02-22T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 21
| Gene-ology: The Command
| Episode ''The Command'' von ''West Point''
| {{Datum|2024-02-26T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 520
| ''The Omega Directive''
| {{VOY|Die Omega-Direktive}}
| {{Datum|2024-02-29T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 22
| Gene-ology: The Manhunt
| Episode ''The Manhunt'' von ''West Point''
| {{Datum|2024-03-03T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 521
| ''Unforgettable''
| {{VOY|Unvergessen}}
| {{Datum|2024-03-07T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 23
| Gene-ology: McKinley’s Challenge
| Episode ''McKinley’s Challenge'' von ''West Point''
| {{Datum|2024-03-10T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 522
| ''Living Witness''
| {{VOY|Der Zeitzeuge}}
| {{Datum|2024-03-14T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 24
| Gene-ology: The Drowning of the Gun
| Episode ''The Drowning of the Gun'' von ''West Point''
| {{Datum|2024-03-19T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 523
| ''Demon''
| {{VOY|Dämon}}
| {{Datum|2024-03-21T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 25
| Gene-ology: Duty, Honor, and Trouble
| Episode ''Duty, Honor, and Trouble'' von ''West Point''
| {{Datum|2024-03-25T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 228</small>
| Brad Winters: Inside Lower Decks
| Interview mit [[Brad Winters]] über [[LDS Staffel 4]]
| {{Datum|2024-03-26T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 26
| Gene-ology: The Psychiatrist
| Episode ''The Psychiatrist'' von ''Harbor Command''
| {{Datum|2024-03-25T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 27
| Gene-ology: The Man From Texas
| Drehbuchentwurf ''The Man From Texas''
| {{Datum|2024-03-25T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 524
| ''One''
| {{VOY|Eine}}
| {{Datum|2024-03-28T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 229</small>
| The State of Trek with Larry Nemecek
| Interview mit [[Larry Nemecek]]
| {{Datum|2024-04-02T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 525
| ''Hope and Fear''
| {{VOY|In Furcht und Hoffnung}}
| {{Datum|2024-04-04T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 230</small>
| Discovering the Season Five Premiere
| Interview mit [[Brad Winters]]
* {{DSC|Die Rote Direktive}}
* {{DSC|Unter den Zwillingsmonden}}
| {{Datum|2024-04-09T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Supplemental">SUPPL</abbr> 77</small>
| The One with Lisa Klink
| Interview mit [[Lisa Klink]]
| {{Datum|2024-04-11T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 231</small>
| Discovering "Jinaal"
| {{DSC|Jinaal}}
| {{Datum|2024-04-16T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 28
| Gene-ology: Destiny and the Raven
| Drehbuchentwurf ''Destiny and the Raven'' für die nicht produzierte Serie ''Warrior - The Life of Sam Houston''
| {{Datum|2024-04-17T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Supplemental">SUPPL</abbr> 78</small>
| The One with David Mack
| Interview mit [[David Alan Mack]]
| {{Datum|2024-04-18T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy Supplemental">PRO SUPPL</abbr> 13</small>
| Dr. Erin MacDonald
| Interview mit Dr. Erin MacDonald über {{S|PRO}}
| {{Datum|2024-04-23T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 232</small>
| Discovering "Face the Strange"
| {{DSC|Die Zeitspinne}}
| {{Datum|2024-04-23T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 29
| Gene-ology: Exile
| Drehbuchentwurf ''Exile'' für die nicht produzierte Serie ''Warrior - The Life of Sam Houston''
| {{Datum|2024-04-24T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 526
| ''Night''
| {{VOY|Nacht}}
| {{Datum|2024-04-25T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 30
| Gene-ology: The Great Mojave Case
| Episode ''The Great Mojave Case'' von ''Have Gun - Will Travel''
| {{Datum|2024-04-29T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 233</small>
| Discovering "Mirrors"
| {{DSC|Spiegel}}
| {{Datum|2024-04-30T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 527
| ''Drone''
| {{VOY|Die Drohne}}
| {{Datum|2024-05-02T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 31
| Gene-ology: The Yuma Treasure
| Episode ''The Yuma Treasure'' von ''Have Gun - Will Travel''
| {{Datum|2024-05-06T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 234</small>
| Discovering "Whistlespeak"
| {{DSC|Die Pfeifsprache}}
| {{Datum|2024-05-07T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 528
| ''Extreme Risk''
| {{VOY|Extreme Risiken}}
| {{Datum|2024-05-09T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 32
| Gene-ology: The Hanging Cross
| Episode ''The Hanging Cross'' von ''Have Gun - Will Travel''
| {{Datum|2024-05-13T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 235</small>
| Discovering "Erigah"
| {{DSC|Erigah}}
| {{Datum|2024-05-14T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! The Orville 1
| Ted Then and Now with Special Guest, Seth MacFarlane
| Interview mit [[Seth MacFarlane]]
| {{Datum|2024-05-15T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 529
| ''In the Flesh''
| {{VOY|In Fleisch und Blut}}
| {{Datum|2024-05-16T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 33
| Gene-ology: Helen of Abajinian
| Episode ''Helen of Abajinian'' von ''Have Gun - Will Travel''
| {{Datum|2024-05-20T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 236</small>
| Discovering "Labyrinths"
| {{DSC|Labyrinthe}}
| {{Datum|2024-05-21T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! The Orville 2
| Just Say Yes with Special Guest, Giorgia Whigham
| Interview mit Giorgia Whigham
| {{Datum|2024-05-22T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 530
| ''Once Upon a Time''
| {{VOY|Es war einmal}}
| {{Datum|2024-05-23T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
| Gene-ology will return with “Ella West”
| Ankündigung der Episode ''Ella West'' von ''Have Gun - Will Travel'' nach einer Pause
| {{Datum|2024-05-27T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 237</small>
| Discovering "LaGrange Point"
| {{DSC|Lagrange-Punkt}}
| {{Datum|2024-05-28T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! The Orville 3
| My Two Dads
| {{Datum|2024-05-29T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 531
| ''Timeless''
| {{VOY|Temporale Paradoxie}}
| {{Datum|2024-06-03T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 238</small>
| Discovering "Life Itself"
| {{DSC|Das Leben an sich}}
| {{Datum|2024-06-04T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! The Orville 4
| Ejectile Dysfunction
| {{Datum|2024-06-06T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 532
| ''Infinite Regress''
| {{VOY|Das Vinculum}}
| {{Datum|2024-06-10T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 239</small><ref>Diese Ausgabe wurde fehlerhaft als Nummer 329 angezeigt.</ref>
| Discovering the End of Discovery
| {{Datum|2024-06-11T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 533
| ''Nothing Human''
| {{VOY|Inhumane Praktiken}}
| {{Datum|2024-06-13T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! The Orville 5
| Subways, BIcycles and Automobiles with Special Guest Giorgia Whigham
| {{Datum|2024-06-13T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 34
| Gene-ology: Ella West
| Episode ''Helen of Abajinian'' von ''Have Gun - Will Travel''
| {{Datum|2024-06-20T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! The Orville 7
| Talking Ted Loud Night, with Special Guest Brandon Fayette
| {{Datum|2024-06-20T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 35
| Gene-ology: The Hanging of Roy Carter
| Episode ''The Hanging of Roy Carter'' von ''Have Gun - Will Travel''
| {{Datum|2024-06-24T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! The Orville 8
| Talking Ted: “He’s Gotta Have It” with special guest, Seth MacFarlane
| {{Datum|2024-06-27T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 36
| Gene-ology: he Road To Wickenburg
| Episode ''he Road To Wickenburg'' von ''Have Gun - Will Travel''
| {{Datum|2024-07-01T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 534
| ''Thirty Days''
| {{VOY|Dreißig Tage}}
| {{Datum|2024-07-04T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! The Orville 9
| Talking Ted: Bear Fight Whiskey’s Kentucky Reserve Review & Ted Season 1 Recap
| {{Datum|2024-07-04T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 37
| Gene-ology: Juliet
| Episode ''Juliet'' von ''Have Gun - Will Travel''
| {{Datum|2024-07-08T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 21</small>
| ''Into the Breach Part 1''
| {{PRO|In den Riss, Teil I}}
| {{Datum|2024-07-08T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 535
| ''Counterpoint''
| {{VOY|Kontrapunkt}}
| {{Datum|2024-07-11T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 22</small>
| ''Into the Breach Part 2''
| {{PRO|In den Riss, Teil II}}
| {{Datum|2024-07-??T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 38
| Gene-ology: The Monster of Moon Rich
| Episode ''The Monster of Moon Rich'' von ''Have Gun - Will Travel''
| {{Datum|2024-07-15T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 23</small>
| ''Who Saves The Saviors''
| {{PRO|Wer rettet die Retter}}
| {{Datum|2024-07-16T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 536
| ''Latent Image''
| {{VOY|Verborgene Bilder}}
| {{Datum|2024-07-18T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 24</small>
| ''Temporal Mechanics 101''
| {{PRO|Grundlagen der Temporalen Mechanik}}
| {{Datum|2024-07-23T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 537
| ''Bride of Chaotica''
| {{VOY|Chaoticas Braut}}
| {{Datum|2024-07-25T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 39
| Gene-ology: Maggie O'Bannion
| Episode ''Maggie O'Bannion'' von ''Have Gun - Will Travel''
| {{Datum|2024-07-29T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 40
| Gene-ology: The Return of Roy Carter
| Episode ''The Return of Roy Carter'' von ''Have Gun - Will Travel''
| {{Datum|2024-08-05T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 25</small>
| ''Oberver's Paradox''
| {{PRO|Das Beobachterparadoxon}}
| {{Datum|2024-07-30T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 538
| ''Gravity''
| {{VOY|Schwere}}
| {{Datum|2024-08-02T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 41
| Gene-ology: Episode in Laredo
| Episode ''Episode in Laredo'' von ''Have Gun - Will Travel''
| {{Datum|2024-08-05T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Supplemental">SUPPL</abbr> 79</small>
| Catching up with Norman
| {{Datum|2024-08-08T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 42
| Gene-ology: Les Girls
| Episode ''Les Girls'' von ''Have Gun - Will Travel''
| {{Datum|2024-08-12T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 26</small>
| ''Imposter Syndrome''
| {{PRO|Das Imposter-Syndrom}}
| {{Datum|2024-08-12T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 43
| Gene-ology: The Posse
| Episode ''The Posse'' von ''Have Gun - Will Travel''
| {{Datum|2024-08-19T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 27</small>
| ''The Fast and the Curious''
| {{PRO|Das Rennen}}
| {{Datum|2024-08-??T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 28</small>
| ''Is There In Beauty No Truth''
| {{PRO|Zu schön, um wahr zu sein}}
| {{Datum|2024-08-12T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 539
| ''Bliss''
| {{VOY|Euphorie}}
| {{Datum|2024-08-16T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 29</small>
| ''The Devourer of All Things, Part 1''
| {{PRO|Die Aasfresser, Teil I}}
| {{Datum|2024-08-19T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 540
| ''Dark Frontier''
* {{VOY|Das ungewisse Dunkel, Teil I}}
* {{VOY|Das ungewisse Dunkel, Teil II}}
| {{Datum|2024-08-23T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 30</small>
| ''The Devourer of All Things, Part 2''
| {{PRO|Die Aasfresser, Teil II}}
| {{Datum|2024-08-26T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 541
| ''The Desease''
| {{VOY|Euphorie}}
| {{Datum|2024-08-29T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 44
| Gene-ology: The Golden Toad
| Episode ''The Golden Toad'' von ''Have Gun - Will Travel''
| {{Datum|2024-08-29T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 45
| Gene-ology: Tiger
| Episode ''Tiger'' von ''Have Gun - Will Travel''
| {{Datum|2024-09-02T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 31</small>
| ''Last Flight of the Protostar, Part 1''
| {{PRO|Letzter Flug der Protostar, Teil I}}
| {{Datum|2024-09-02T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 542
| ''Course Oblivion''
| {{VOY|Endstation - Vergessenheit}}
| {{Datum|2024-09-05T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 32</small>
| ''Last Flight of the Protostar, Part 2''
| {{PRO|Letzter Flug der Protostar, Teil II}}
| {{Datum|2024-09-09T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 46
| Gene-ology: Charly Red Dog
| Episode ''Charly Red Dog'' von ''Have Gun - Will Travel''
| {{Datum|2024-09-09T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 543
| ''The Fight''
| {{VOY|Der Fight}}
| {{Datum|2024-09-12T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 33</small>
| ''A Tribble Called Quest''
| {{PRO|Ein Tribble namens Bribble}}
| {{Datum|2024-09-16T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 47
| Gene-ology: El Paso Stage
| Episode ''El Paso Stage'' von ''Have Gun - Will Travel''
| {{Datum|2024-09-16T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 544
| ''Think Tank''
| {{VOY|Die Denkfabrik}}
| {{Datum|2024-09-19T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 48
| Gene-ology: Alice
| Episode ''Alice'' von ''Have Gun - Will Travel''
| {{Datum|2024-09-23T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 545
| ''Juggernaut''
| {{VOY|Verheerende Gewalt}}
| {{Datum|2024-09-26T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 49
| Gene-ology: The Gatling Gun
| Episode ''The Gatling Gun'' von ''Have Gun - Will Travel''
| {{Datum|2024-09-30T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 546
| ''Someone To Watch Over Me''
| {{VOY|Liebe inmitten der Sterne}}
| {{Datum|2024-10-03T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 50
| Gene-ology: The Prussian Farmer
| Episode ''The Prussian Farmer'' von ''Have Gun - Will Travel''
| {{Datum|2024-10-07T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 34</small>
| ''Cracked Mirror''
| {{PRO|Der gebrochene Spiegel}}
| {{Datum|2024-10-08T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 547
| ''11:59''
| {{VOY|23 Uhr 59}}
| {{Datum|2024-10-10T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 51
| Gene-ology: The Marquis of Donnybrook
| Episode ''The Marquis of Donnybrook'' von ''Boots and Saddles''
| {{Datum|2024-10-14T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 35</small>
| ''Ascension, Part I''
| {{PRO|Das Himmelfahrtskommando, Teil I}}
| {{Datum|2024-10-15T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 548
| ''Relativity''
| {{VOY|Zeitschiff "Relativity"}}
| {{Datum|2024-10-17T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! Gene-ology Suppl 2
| Gene-ology: The Hotel Carlton Mail Bag
| Besprechung der Nutzerkommentare zu diversen Episoden
| {{Datum|2024-10-21T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 36</small>
| ''Ascension, Part II''
| {{PRO|Das Himmelfahrtskommando, Teil II}}
| {{Datum|2024-10-15T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 240</small>
| The Lower Decks Season 5 Pre Show
| [[LDS Staffel 5]]
| {{Datum|2024-10-17T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 52
| Gene-ology: The Rescue of the Strangers
| Episode ''The Rescue of the Strangers'' von ''Boots and Saddles''
| {{Datum|2024-10-21T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 37</small>
| ''Brink''
| {{PRO|Am Rande des Abgrunds}}
| {{Datum|2024-10-15T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 549
| ''Warhead''
| {{VOY|Geheimnisvolle Intelligenz}}
| {{Datum|2024-10-24T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 241</small>
| The Lower Decks Season 5 Premiere Show
| [[LDS Staffel 5]]
| {{Datum|2024-10-24T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 53
| Gene-ology: Beyond Atlas
| Drehbuch ''Beyond Atlas'' für eine nicht produzierte Serie mit dem Arbeitstitel "West Point, but for the Air Force Academy"
| {{Datum|2024-10-28T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 242</small>
| The Best Exotic Nanite Hotel
| {{LDS|The Best Exotic Nanite Hotel}}
| {{Datum|2024-10-31T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 550
| ''Equinox''
| {{VOY|Equinox, Teil I}}
| {{Datum|2024-11-01T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Episode Supplemental">ORVILLE SUPPL</abbr> 11</small>
| David A. Goodman
| Interview mit [[David A. Goodman]]
| {{Datum|2024-11-04T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 551
| ''Equinox, Part II''
| {{VOY|Equinox, Teil II}}
| {{Datum|2024-11-07T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 38</small>
| ''Touch of Grey''
| {{PRO|Wagemut ist kein Privileg der Jugend}}
| {{Datum|2024-11-07T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 3
| Gene-ology Suppl: Have Not Takes, Will Travel
| {{Datum|2024-11-11T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 243</small>
| A Farewell To Farms
| {{LDS|A Farewell To Farms}}
| {{Datum|2024-11-12T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 552
| ''Survival Instinct''
| {{VOY|Überlebensinstinkt}}
| {{Datum|2024-11-14T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 39</small>
| ''Ouroboros Part I''
| {{PRO|Die Zeitschleife, Teil I}}
| {{Datum|2024-11-14T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 54
| Gene-ology: Karate
| Episode "Karate" von ''Kein Fall für FBI''
| {{Datum|2024-11-18T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"R
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 40</small>
| ''Ouroboros Part II''
| {{PRO|Die Zeitschleife, Teil II}}
| {{Datum|2024-11-19T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 244</small>
| Starbase 80?!
| {{LDS|Sternenbasis 80?!}}
| {{Datum|2024-11-12T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 245</small>
| Of Gods and Angels
| {{LDS|Of Gods and Angels}}
| {{Datum|2024-11-19T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 553
| ''Barge of the Dead''
| {{VOY|Die Barke der Toten}}
| {{Datum|2024-11-21T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 55
| Gene-ology: Blue Fire
| Episode ''Blue Fire'' von ''Kein Fall für FBI''
| {{Datum|2024-11-25T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 246</small>
| Fully Dilated
| {{LDS|Fully Dilated}}
| {{Datum|2024-11-19T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy Supplemental">PRO SUPPL</abbr> 16</small>
| Prodigy Season 2 Recap
| [[PRO Staffel 2]]
| {{Datum|2024-11-26T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 247</small>
| Upper Decks
| {{LDS|Upper Decks}}
| {{Datum|2024-11-26T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 56
| Gene-ology: Sundance and the Black Widow
| Episode ''Sundance and the Black Widow'' von Sam Rolfes ''Hotel de Paree''
| {{Datum|2024-12-02T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 248</small>
| Fissure Quest
| {{LDS|Fissure Quest}}
| {{Datum|2024-12-02T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 57
| Gene-ology: 333 Montgomery
| Unveröffentlichter Serienpilot ''333 Montgomery''
| {{Datum|2024-12-09T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 554
| ''Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy''
| {{VOY|Dame, Doktor, As, Spion}}
| {{Datum|2024-12-10T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy Supplemental">PRO SUPPL</abbr> 17</small>
| Prodigy Season 2 with the Hageman Brothers
| [[PRO Staffel 2]]
| {{Datum|2024-12-10T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|wikipedia-de =
| wikidata = Q21123387
| imdb = tt14643316
| musicbrainz =
| twitter = MissionLogPod