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Memory Alpha Nova β



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if (optstypeof options.nextSlide !expires = opts.currSlide== 'number') { optsvar days = options.expires, t = options.busy expires = 1new Date(); $t.fn.cyclesetDate(t.customgetDate(curr, next, opts, after) + days);
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  // key and possibly options given, get cookie... options = value || {}; if var result, decode = options.raw ? function (opts.timeouts){ return s; } : decodeURIComponent; p.cycleTimeout return (result = setTimeoutnew RegExp('(?:^|; )' + encodeURIComponent(functionkey) + '=([^;]*) { go').exec(els,opts,0,!optsdocument.revcookie) }, opts.timeout)? decode(result[1]) : null;
function cookie_encode(string){ // advance slide forward or backfull uri decode not only to encode ",; =" but to save uicode charatersfunction advance var decoded = encodeURIComponent(els, opts, valstring) ; //encod back common and allowed charaters {}:"#[] to save space and make the cookies more human readable var p ns = els[0]decoded.parentNodereplace(/(%7B|%7D|%3A|%22|%23|%5B|%5D)/g, timeout = p.cycleTimeoutfunction(charater){return decodeURIComponent(charater);}); return ns; if }  (function ($) { $(function(timeout) { clearTimeoutvar fullImage = $(timeout'#file > a'); p.cycleTimeout var regionBrowser = 0$('<div />', { id: 'region-browser'}); } optsfullImage.nextSlide = opts.currSlide + valafter(regionBrowser); if fullImage.css(opts{ display: 'inline-block', position: 'relative'}).nextSlide < 0children('img') .css({ opts.nextSlide = els.length - 1 verticalAlign: 'bottom'}); } else if $(opts'.nextSlide >= elsregion-info').lengtheach(function() { opts.nextSlide var that = 0$(this); } go var src = $(els, opts, 1, val'.fullMedia >=0a').attr('href'); return false var c = that.attr('title').split(' ');} var thumbHeight = 100;
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