Enemy Territory

aus Memory Alpha, der freien deutschen Star-Trek-Datenbank
Version vom 30. April 2024, 20:53 Uhr von Legat Garak (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „{{Roman-Sidebar| Titel= Enemy Territory | Sortiername= | Serie= Star Trek: I.K.S. Gorkon | Reihe= | Zykl…“)
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Dieser Roman behandelt die Reise der IKS Gorkon in das Gebiet der Kinder von San-Tarah.



Vom Umschlagtext:

The Elabrej Hegemony

For centuries, the Elabrej firmly believed that they were alone in the universe, and that no sentient life existed outside their home star system. But their beliefs are shattered when a controversial exploration vessel of their own making encounters – and fires upon – an alien ship. The aliens return fire and destroy them – then come to Elabrej to investigate...

The Klingon Empire

While exploring the uncharted Kavrot Sector, the crew of the IKS Gorkon learn that their brother ship, the IKS Kravokh, was fired on by an alien vessel and subsequently destroyed it. After setting course to investigate this new people, the Kravokh disappears – but a massive alien fleet is gathering at their last known location. Captain Klag must determine what has happened to the Kravokh, and who this new foe of the empire is...

As two civilizations prepare for war, the secret agendas of both the Elabrej oligarchs and Klingon Imperial Intelligence may serve only to deepen the conflict – and Captain Klag may also face a mutiny.


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Das Cover wurde von Keith Birdsong gestaltet.

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Föderal-Klingonischer Krieg (2372/73)
Institutionen & Großmächte
Klingonisches Reich, Klingonische Verteidigungsstreitmacht, Orden des Bat'leth
Spezies & Lebensformen
Ba'el, Klag, Kornan, Leskit, Martok, Reyga, Tokath, Worf
Schiffe & Stationen
IKS Gorkonβ, IKS Gowronβ, IKS Hegh'ta, IKS Pagh
Astronomische Objekte
Bajor, Boreth, Carraya IV, Ferenginar, Khitomer, Narendra III, Organia, Praxis, Qo'noS, Rura Penthe, Ty'Gokor
Wissenschaft & Technik
Bat'leth, D'k tahg, Ketracel-White