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Memory Alpha Nova β

One Constant Star

Version vom 20. April 2024, 19:45 Uhr von Legat Garak (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „{{Roman-Sidebar| Titel= One Constant Star | Sortiername= | Serie= Star Trek: The Lost Era | Reihe= | Zyk…“)
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Dieser Roman behandelt die USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-B).




Vom Umschlagtext:

As Captain Demora Sulu leads the crew of USS Enterprise-B on a mission near Tzenkethi space, they explore Rejarris II, a planet they cannot explain. A strange structure on the surface could hold answers… but chaos erupts when a landing party transports down to study it. An officer is horribly injured and communication fails with another, and Captain Sulu deems the planet too dangerous to continue exploring. She decides to leave Rejarris II, but not until she herself can retrieve her lost crew member. When contact is also ultimately severed with the captain, a threatening Tzenkethi force subsequently appears. Could the Tzenkethi be behind the mysteries on the planet, or the disappearances of the two officers? And will the Enterprise crew be able stand up to them long enough to discover the fate of Captain Sulu and the other missing crew member?

Once, John Harriman commanded Enterprise-B with Demora Sulu by his side as his first officer. Eight years after stepping down as a starship captain – in the wake of the Tomed Incident – Harriman now serves as an admiral based out of Helaspont Station, on the edge of the Tzenkethi Coalition. When he receives a mysterious message from Rejarris II, Harriman realizes that he might hold the key to finding his former crewmate. In choosing to help recover Demora Sulu, though, he could risk losing everything he holds dear. What price is Harriman willing to pay to attempt to rescue his longtime friend?


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Das Cover wurde von Doug Drexler gestaltet und von Alan Dingman designt.

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