The World's Greatest Star Trek Quiz Book

aus Memory Alpha, der freien deutschen Star-Trek-Datenbank
Version vom 18. November 2016, 13:59 Uhr von imported>Fizzbin-Junkie (erstellt)
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Das Buch The World's Greatest Star Trek Quiz Book beinhaltet Quizfragen rund um das Thema Star Trek.


Vom Umschlagtext:

From Our Readers!

… a 'logical' acquisition for every Trekker.

- John Higgins, Easton, Maryland

Fantastic facts and fabulous fun in a fascinating format!
- Mary Moussot, Throgs Neck, New York

… get ready for an original Star Trek experience which will challenge your knowledge, stretch your galactic horizons, and take your mind to where no Trekker has gone before.
- Patricia A. Morgan, Sparkill, New York

There's nothing pedestrian here - only high-level probing for Trekkers.
- Warren Michon, New York City

… Star Trek collection could possibly be complete without this incredibly comprehensive… book…
- Salvatore Morani, Englewood, New Jersey

… a MUST for the 'True Trekker!
- Gloria Eisenman, Richmond, Virginia

A unique commemoration… The World's Greatest Star Trek Quiz is an outstanding tribute to the breadth and depth of Gene Roddenberry's universe… this book celebrates the shows themselves. And that, after all, is why we loved Star Trek in the first place.

- Jeffrey Groteboer, author of Edge of Infinity