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Star Trek Reader's Reference to the Novels 1992-1993

Version vom 6. November 2016, 12:42 Uhr von imported>Fizzbin-Junkie (erstellt)
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Das Buch Star Trek Reader's Reference to the Novels 1992-1993 beschäftigt sich mit den offiziell lizenzierten Star-Trek-Romanen der Jahre 1992 bis 1993 in Form einer umfangreichen Enzyklopädie.


Vom Umschlagtext:

Volume seven of the "Star Trek Reader's Reference to the Novels" offers additional information about the adventures of Kirk and his Bridge officers, especially Kirk's early years and Dr. McCoy's first deep-space assignment. Meet a variety of fascinating new villains including Dr. Omen who believes he's created the perfect weapon, a Romulan captain who seeks to destroy an entire species because he fears they will be weapons against Romulans, Roy Moss who feels he has not received the adulation he deserves, and High Assassin Shil Andrachis who believes killing is both a gift and a right. Meet other who offer new experiences such as the Reys of Gullrey, archeologist and musician Dr. Andrea Benar, and Variants who are genetically altered human stock. Read about a horrid new species, now extinct, and follow Kirk as he "becomes" a Khilict. Delve further into the mysteries surrounding the Probe that nearly destroyed Terra. Take on the Klingons in a new ploy against the Federation. Experience an ice plant almost destroyed when too many of its native marine animals are taken from the seas and meet the Kitka who are aware of an intelligent life form known as a kraken who shares their world. Sail along on the Great Starship Race that pits the resourcefulness of Kirk and crew against the machinations of a Romulan captain. Study how Kirk resolves a near-war situation by reading from the Obirrhat Holy Book, learn how Kirk, Spock, and McCoy evade the Reborning process on Sanctuary, and discover new theories about orphan cultures.