Star Trek: These are the Voyages...

aus Memory Alpha, der freien deutschen Star-Trek-Datenbank
Version vom 24. September 2016, 10:56 Uhr von imported>Fizzbin-Junkie (erstellt)
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Das Buch Star Trek: These are the Voyages... ist ein Aufklapp-Bilderbuch zum 30. Star-Trek-Jubiläum.



The first Star Trek interactive, three-dimensional adventure book, These Are the Voyages celebrates 30 years of the classic television show with 3D depictions of some of the most incredible voyages of Starfleet's finest vessels, from the original USS Enterprise to the Starship USS Voyager. Starfleet's best-known commanders share memorable stories about their amazing adventures, fiercest enemies, and exemplary crews. Climb aboard the outstanding ships of Starfleet and take a three-dimensional journey through space.