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Memory Alpha Nova β

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Eine E-Book-Kurzgeschichte.




Vom Umschlagtext:

Before the twenty-fourth-century adventures of David Gold, Sonya Gomez, and the crew of the U.S.S. da Vinci came the more rough-and-tumble Starfleet Corps of Engineers of the twenty-third century. In the wake of an incident involving the Starship Enterprise™ and the infamous Delta Triangle, Lieutenant Commander Mahmud al-Khaled and the crew of the run-down U.S.S. Lovell must "open" the Triangle – and also find a lost generation ship that was last seen entering the phenomenon. But the mission grows even more complex when the Gorn arrive, demanding – at gunpoint – that the Gorn criminals inside the Triangle be returned to them.

A gripping new twenty-third-century drama in the tradition of Foundations!


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Die Kurzgeschichte ist auch im Sammelband Creative Couplings enthalten.

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