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Trekkers: True Stories by Fans for Fans

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Das Buch Trekkers: True Stories by Fans for Fans beschäftigt sich mit dem Star-Trek-Fandom.


Vom Umschlagtext:

Trekkers and Trekkies are considered the world's most famous and unique fan base. Since Star Trek first appeared in 1966, fans have embraced creator Gene Roddenberry's vision, and have come together to do charitable work and try to shape their lives to include his principles and values. And yet, outsiders who don't watch the show tend to look at Trek fans with a sense of amusement.

This book, for the first time, gives Trekkers a chance to tell their stories of why the show means so much to them. Stories include:

  • a woman who became the president of William Shatner's fan club, and reveals the funny and child-like side of the man who played Captain Kirk
  • a man who discovered the original series right before being shipped off to Vietnam, and used the show's message of peace and harmony as his hope and strength while overseas
  • a fan who started his own cable access television Star Trek fan club, and watched it grow to a fan phenomenon of its own, with many of the stars appearing on it to be interviewed
  • a devoted fan who has turned his love of all things Trek into a full-time job as a "professional Trekkie"
  • a woman who lost a beloved friend in a tragic accident, and who banded together with other friends to perform the Klingon Death Howl at his funeral

These stories and many others are written by the fans themselves, and show a loving, intelligent, and extremely kind and generous group of people who all have one thing in common: Star Trek.