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The Making of Yesterday's Enterprise

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Das Buch The Making of Yesterday's Enterprise beschäftigt sich mit der Entstehung und Produktion der Episode TNG: Die alte Enterprise.


Vom Umschlagtext:

„Yesterday's Enterprise“ consistently ranks as one of the all time fan favorites - the episode was honored by TV Guide as one of the "top five classic epsiodes of Star Trek: the Next generation" - and also landed in 2007 by Entertainment Weekly (in a 20th anniversary retrospective) as the #1 ranking episode of the series.

Written by story co-writer and longtime series script coordinator Eric A. Stillwell, the book deftly chronicles the behind-the-scenes creation of this acclaimed episode from its inception to the final product and beyond.

Inside you will find personal accounts of how the episode came to fruition: discussion of intial concepts which included the Romulans, Sarek and The Guardian of Forever; early treatments of the story both with and without Guinan; the final shooting script: productio and post-production antidotes; and variuos production documents never before made public.

This book takes you on an entertaining step-by-step journey through the process of developing and writing a story for television, from initial concept to final teleplay. Honest and insightful, it's the perfect guide book fpr anybody who has ever entertainend the idea of writing for television - or simply a good read for the curious fan who has ever wondered what it's really like to work behind-the-scenes on the most popular franchise in television history.

„...this hour of Trek is the gold standard. As Picard says, before committing his own ship to destruction, ‚Let's make sure that history never forgets the Name Enterprise.‘ Mission accomplished.“ - Entertainment Weekly.


  • Vorwort
  1. Zu Beginn
  2. Die letzte Grenze
  3. Zurück auf der Ranch
  4. Kunstgriffe
  5. Bruch eines Tabus
  6. Das Schreiben der Story
  7. Die Story entwickelt sich
  8. Die Unterbrechung
  9. Mehr vom Selben
  10. Vor-Produktion
  11. Produktion
  12. Autoren-Verzeichnis
  13. Nach-Produktion
  14. Überraschung!
  15. Ein großer Erfolg
  16. Ich möchte den Produzenten danken
  17. Richtige Idee, falsche Zeitlinie
  18. Ewig während wie ein temporaler Wirbel
  • Nachwort
  • Im Gedenken
  • Danksagungen
  • Anhang - Das finale Drehbuch
  • Über den Autoren