Star Trek Fans and Costume Art
Das Buch Star Trek Fans and Costume Art beschäftigt sich mit dem Star-Trek-Fandom.
- Vom Umschlagtext:
A study of the phenomenal attire that unites Trekkers
Fans of science fiction and of Star Trek are legion. Huge numbers of these attend their conventions attired in highly creative costumes that identify them as "Trekkers" and arouse a spirit of community.
Many are affiliated with fan clubs whose members buy or create such attire to be worn at conventions and public events. They come from all walks of life and show up extravagantly costumed not only at science-fiction venues but also at charity fund-raisers and public-service meetings. Klingon and Federation members may appear in the actual world of strip malls and shopping centers as they stage food-fight wars in behalf of the homeless. They surface anywhere they can make a statement about the positive ideals they feel are fostered in the Star Trek universe.
Trekkers find a sense of friendship, family, and high ideals within fandom. A gamut of reasons can be listed for why Trekkers costume themselves. For some it is a public way of demonstrating affection for Gene Roddenberry's creation. For some, dressing as a Klingon expresses empowerment for women. For others, it is escapism for pure fun.
Their alien garb and motivations for wearing it are explored here in this fascinating book that connects expressions of contemporary folk art, folklore, and popular culture.