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Memory Alpha Nova β



145 Bytes hinzugefügt, 16:15, 24. Jan. 2006
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| colspan="2" | [[Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten|United Federation of Planets]]
|- align="center"
| colspan="2" | [[Sternenflotten KommandoSternenflottenkommando|Starfleet Command]], [[Sol-System|Sol Sector]]
|- align="center" style="font-size: 80%"
| [[USS Dauntless|USS ''Dauntless'']] (NX-01-A)
| [[Dauntless-Type|Dauntless type]]
| [[San Francisco Flottenwerft|San Francisco]]| [[Sol sectorSystem|Sol]]
| 51472
| "Hope is a waking dream." - [[Aristotle]]
| colspan="6" | Launched [[Sternzeit|Stardate]] [[2370|47538.5]] - [[Antares Flottenwerft|Antares Ship Yards]]
|- align="center"
| colspan="6" | [[Bajoranischer Sektor|Bajor sector]] - [[Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten|United Federation of Planets]].
|- align="center" style="font-size: 80%"
| [[Sternenflotten Commando|Starfleet Command]]
{| class="grey" align="center"
|- align="center"
| colspan="7" | [[USS Enterprise(NCC-1701-B)|USS ''Enterprise'']]
|- align="center"
| colspan="7" | [[Excelsior-Klasse|''Excelsior'' class]] - [[Sternenflotte|Starfleet]] [[Registriernummer|registry]] NCC-1701-B
{| class="grey" align="center"
|- align="center"
| colspan="4" | [[USS Enterprise(NCC-1701-D)|USS ''Enterprise'']]
|- align="center"
| colspan="4" | [[Galaxy-Klasse|''Galaxy''-class]] - [[Sternenflotte|Starfleet]] [[Registriernummer|registry]] NCC-1701-D
{| class="grey" align="center"
|- align="center"
| colspan="7" | [[USS Enterprise(NCC-1701-E)|USS ''Enterprise'']]
|- align="center"
| colspan="7" | [[Sovereign-Klasse|''Sovereign'' class]] - Sixth [[Raumschiff|starship]] to bear [[Enterprise|the name]]
| [[Nova-Klasse|Nova]]
| [[Utopia Planitia Flottenwerft|Utopia Planitia]]
| [[Sol sector-System|Sol]]
| [[2370|47007.1]]
| "The night of time far surpasseth the day." -Sir [[Thomas Browne]], [[Early history|1658]]
| [[Constellation-Klasse|''Constellation'' class]] - [[Sternenflotte|Starfleet]] [[Registriernummer|registry]] NCC-2593
|- align="center"
| [[Copernicus Ship YardsFlottenwerft]], [[Luna]]
|- align="center"
| Built by [[Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems]]
| [[Galaxy-Klasse|Galaxy]]
| [[Utopia Planitia Flottenwerft|Utopia Planitia]]
| [[Sol sector-System|Sol]]
| "It's origin and purpose, still a total mystery"
| colspan="2" | [[Nebula-Klasse|''Nebula'' class]] - [[Sternenflotte|Starfleet]] [[Registriernummer|registry]] NCC-65420
|- align="center"
| colspan="2" | [[40 Eridani A Flottenwerft|40 Eridani A Starfleet Construction Yards]], [[Yoyodyne Division]]
|- align="center"
| colspan="2" | Commissioned [[Sternzeit|Stardate]] [[2363|40250.5]]
| [[USS Prometheus|USS ''Prometheus'']] (NX-74913)
| [[Prometheus-Klasse|Prometheus]]
| [[Beta Antares Flottenwerft|Beta Antares]]| [[Antares sectorSektor|Antares]]
| [[2373|50749.5]]
| "All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players, they have their exits and entrances and one man in his life plays many parts, his act being seven stages"- [[William Shakespeare]]
* First prototype of this series
* Department [[Sternenflotten CommandoSternenflottenkommando|Starfleet Command]]
* [[G. Roddenberry (Admiral)|Gene Roddenberry]] -
* [[Rick Berman (Sternenflotte)|Rick Berman]] -
! Misc Info
| [[USS São Sao Paulo|USS ''São Paulo'']] (NCC-75633)
| [[Defiant-Klasse|Defiant]]
| [[Utopia Planitia Flottenwerft|Utopia Planitia]]
| [[Sol sectorSol_system|Sol]]
| [[2375|52889.3]]
| "Give me Liberty or give me death..."- [[Patrick Henry]]
| colspan="2" | [[Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten|United Federation of Planets]]
|- align="center"
| colspan="2" | [[Sternenflotten CommandoSternenflottenkommando|Starfleet Command]], [[Sol Sector-System]]
|- align="center" style="font-size: 80%"
| [[Oberth-Klasse|''Oberth'' class]] - [[Sternenflotte|Starfleet]] [[Registriernummer|registry]] NCC-53911
|- align="center"
| [[Baikonur Cosmodrome]], [[USSR]], [[EarthErde]]
|- align="center"
| Commissioned [[Sternzeit|Stardate]] [[2363|40291.7]]
| [[Defiant-Klasse|Defiant]]
| [[Antares Flottenwerft|Antares]]
| [[Bajor sectorBajoranischer Sektor|Bajor]]
| [[2372|49456.5]]
| "We set sail on this new sea because there is new knowledge to be gained and new fights to be won."- [[John F. Kennedy]]
| colspan="6" | [[Sternenflotte|Starfleet]] [[Registriernummer|registry]] NCC-74656 - [[Intrepid-Klasse|''Intrepid'' class]]
|- align="center"
| colspan="6" | Launched [[Sternzeit|Stardate]] [[2371|48038.5]] - [[McKinley Station|Earth Station McKinley]]
|- align="center"
| colspan="6" | [[Sol-System|Sol Sector]] - [[Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten|United Federation of Planets]]
|- align="center" style="font-size: 80%"
* [[Sternenflotten CommandoSternenflottenkommando|Starfleet Command]]:
** [[Rick Berman (Admiral)|Rick Berman]]
** [[Brannon Braga (Sternenflotte)|Brannon Braga]]
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