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Memory Alpha Nova β


TOS Staffel 3

25 Bytes hinzugefügt, 21:12, 17. Jan. 2013
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! width="27%"|Originaltitel
|3x01 || 56 057 || 4385,3 || 28.03.1988 || 25.10.1968 || {{e|Wild West im Weltraum}} || [[:en:Spectre of the Gun |Spectre of the Gun]]
|3x02 || 57 058 || 4372,5 || 20.10.1973 || 20.12.1968 || {{e|Brautschiff Enterprise}} || [[:en:Elaan of Troyius |Elaan of Troyius]]
|3x03 || 58 059 || 4842,6 || 18.11.1972 || 04.10.1968 || {{e|Der Obelisk}} || [[:en:The Paradise Syndrome |The Paradise Syndrome]]
|3x04 || 59 060 || 5027,3 || 02.08.1972 || 27.09.1968 || {{e|Die unsichtbare Falle}} || [[:en:The Enterprise Incident |The Enterprise Incident]]
|3x05 || 60 061 || 5029,5 || 23.04.1974 || 11.10.1968 || {{e|Kurs auf Marcus 12}} || [[:en:And the Children Shall Lead |And the Children Shall Lead]]
|3x06 || 61 062 || 5431,4 || 04.04.1988 || 20.09.1968 || {{e|Spock's Gehirn}} || [[:en:Spock's Brain |Spock's Brain]]
|3x07 || 62 063 || 5630,7 || 30.09.1972 || 18.10.1968 || {{e|Die fremde Materie}} || [[:en:Is There in Truth No Beauty? |Is There in Truth No Beauty?]]
|3x08 || 63 064 || 5121,5 || 11.04.1988 || 06.12.1968 || {{e|Der Plan der Vianer}} || [[:en:The Empath |The Empath]]
|3x09 || 64 065 || 5693,2 || 17.06.1972 || 15.11.1968 || {{e|Das Spinnennetz}} || [[:en:The Tholian Web |The Tholian Web]]
|3x10 || 65 066 || 5476,3 || 28.10.1972 || 08.11.1968 || {{e|Der verirrte Planet}} || [[:en:For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky |For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky]]
|3x11 || 66 067 || unbekannt || 18.04.1988 || 01.11.1968 || {{e|Das Gleichgewicht der Kräfte}} || [[:en:Day of the Dove |Day of the Dove]]
|3x12 || 67 068 || 5784,2 || 25.04.1988 || 22.11.1968 || {{e|Platons Stiefkinder}} || [[:en:Plato's Stepchildren |Plato's Stepchildren]]
|3x13 || 68 069 || 5710,5 || 03.11.1973 || 29.11.1968 || {{e|Was summt denn da?}} || [[:en:Wink of an Eye |Wink of an Eye]]
|3x14 || 69 070 || unbekannt || 19.08.1972 || 24.01.1969 || {{e|Gefährliche Planetengirls}} || [[:en:That Which Survives |That Which Survives]]
|3x15 || 70 071 || 5730,2 || 02.05.1988 || 10.01.1969 || {{e|Bele jagt Lokai}} || [[:en:Let That Be Your Last Battlefield |Let That Be Your Last Battlefield]]
|3x16 || 71 072 || 5718,3 || 09.05.1988 || 03.01.1969 || {{e|Wen die Götter zerstören}} || [[:en:Whom Gods Destroy |Whom Gods Destroy]]
|3x17 || 72 073 || 5423,4 || 16.05.1988 || 17.01.1969 || {{e|Fast unsterblich}} || [[:en:The Mark of Gideon |The Mark of Gideon]]
|3x18 || 73 074 || 5725,3 || 05.08.1972 || 31.01.1969 || {{e|Strahlen greifen an}} || [[:en:The Lights of Zetar |The Lights of Zetar]]
|3x19 || 74 075 || 5818,4 || 23.05.1988 || 28.02.1969 || {{e|Die Wolkenstadt}} || [[:en:The Cloud Minders |The Cloud Minders]]
|3x20 || 75 076 || 5832,3 || 30.05.1988 || 21.02.1969 || {{e|Die Reise nach Eden}} || [[:en:The Way to Eden |The Way to Eden]]
|3x21 || 76 077 || 5843,7 || 09.03.1974 || 14.02.1969 || {{e|Planet der Unsterblichen}} || [[:en:Requiem for Methuselah |Requiem for Methuselah]]
|3x22 || 77 078 || 5906,4 || 25.11.1972 || 07.03.1969 || {{e|Seit es Menschen gibt}} || [[:en:The Savage Curtain |The Savage Curtain]]
|3x23 || 78 079 || 5943,7 || 06.06.1988 || 14.03.1969 || {{e|Portal in die Vergangenheit}} || [[:en:All Our Yesterdays |All Our Yesterdays]]
|3x24 || 79 080 || 5928,5 || 13.06.1988 || 03.06.1969 || {{e|Gefährlicher Tausch}} || [[:en:Turnabout Intruder |Turnabout Intruder]]
[[ru:Звёздный путь: Оригинальный сериал Сезон 3]]
[[sv:TOS, säsong 3]]
[[Kategorie:Episode (TOS)| {{PAGENAME}}]]</noinclude>
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