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Parodien und Anspielungen auf Star Trek (Musik)

4.688 Bytes hinzugefügt, 22:35, 18. Jan. 2016
The Wohlstandskinder
{{POV/Reale Welt}}
Dies ist eine Auflistung bekannter [[Parodien und Anspielungen auf Star Trek|Parodien und Anspielungen auf ''Star Trek'']] im Bereich Musik und Hörspiel:
== Astral Projection ==
Am Beginn des Songs „The Feelings“ von ihrem Album „Trust in Trance 3“, zitiert die Band [[Geordi LaForge]]: <q>All these Feelings that give away from judgement, the confuse the hell out of us, that makes second guess ourselves, we need them to help us fill in the missing pieces because we almost never have all facts.</q>
Das Zitat stammt aus der Episode {{TNG|Der Überläufer}}, in der Geordi [[Data]] erklärt, was ein Bauchgefühl ist.
;Externe Links
* {{wikipedia|Astral Projection}}
== Baal ==
Im Song „Star Trek“ diskutiert die Band die utopische Gesellschaft in Star Trek und das Potenzial der Menschheit dieses Ziel erreichen zu können.
<poem>The new times have brought wealth and wisdom to every single body.
We've overcome the color of skin, prejudices and the longing to rule on others. And yes, we've even overcome money, our scourge for centuries.
In a single word, we've become what you might call unhuman. Stripping off
Our human skin brought us to completely new shores, both in evolutionary
And intellectual aspects. We're reaching for higher aims in spite of
Denying all the main features that once built our society. So we've finally
Crossed the threshold to generation Z and space is at last the final
And maybe - if humanity wouldn't have acted that human - our society could
Have become reality. But unfortunately - as you all might know - the United
States is no welfare organisation.
;Externe Links
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baal_%28band%29 Baal (Band)] in der [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page englischsprachigen Wikipedia]
== Bad Religion ==
;Externe Links
* {{wikipedia|Beastie Boys}}
== Bleach ==
Der Titel des Songs "Warp Factor Five" ist offensichtlich eine Anspielung auf ''Star Trek''.
;Externe Links
* {{wikipedia|Bleach_(US-amerikanische_Band)}}
== Blue System ==
* [http://bobjames.com/index.php bobjames.com] - Offizielle Webseite
* {{wikipedia|Bob James}}
== Bob Schneider ==
Bob Schneider hat den Song „Cap'n Kirk“ veröffentlicht, in dem er Personen nennt, die er sein oder nicht sein möchte. Er will wie Captain Kirk sein, aber nicht wie Spock.
== Bugo ==
Dieser italienische Sänger hat den Song „Oggi E' Morto Spock“ veröffentlicht, der Spocks Tod in {{Film|3}} behandelt.
;Externe Links
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bugo Bugo] in der [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page englischsprachigen Wikipedia]
== Cobra Verde ==
;Externe Links
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cobra_Verde_(band) Cobra Verde] in der [https://en.wikipedia.org englischsprachigen Wikipedia]
== DarkMateria ==
In „The Picard Song“ hat die Band DarkMateria Dialogzitate aus {{S|TNG}}, meist solche von [[Patrick Stewart]] als [[Jean-Luc Picard]] aneinandergereiht.
;Genutzte Zitate
* <q>Here's to the finest crew in Starfleet.</q> (Picards Doppelgänger in {{e|Versuchskaninchen}})
* <q>The first duty of every Starfleet officer is to the truth... scientific truth, or historical truth, or personal truth. It is the guiding principle on which Starfleet is based. If you can't find it within yourself to stand up and tell the truth... you don't deserve to wear that uniform.</q> ({{e|Ein missglücktes Manöver}})
* {{Dialogzitat|;Picard:This is becoming a speech
;Deanna:You're the captain, sir, you're entitled.
;Picard:Hmm... I'm entitled to ramble on about something everyone knows.}}
({{TNG|Der Ehrenkodex}})
* <q>He just kept talking in one long incredibly unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic so that no-one had a chance to interrupt; it was really quite hypnotic.</q> ({{e|Gefangen in einem temporären Fragment)
* <q>You'll have to call again, I was just leaving. I'm uhh... not dressed properly.</q> ({{e|Der große Abschied}})
* {{Dialogzitat|;Picard:My love is a fever, longing still for that which longer nurseth the disease.
;Lwaxana Troi:Tell me more.
;Picard:In faith I do not love thee with mine eyes for they in thee a thousand error see; but 'tis my heart, that loves what they despise, who in despite of view, are pleased to dote, shall I compare thee to a summer's day?}} ({{e|Die Damen Troi}})
* <q>Darmok and Jilad at Tenagra.</q> ({{e|Darmok}}
* <q>This is the captain speaking.</q> ({{e|Der Reisende}})
* <q>I am Locutus of Borg. You will respond to my questions.</q> ({{e|Angriff der Borg, Teil I}})
* <q>You are Borg. You will assist us.</q> ({{e|Ich bin Hugh}})
* <q>Lock phasers on that vessel...</q> ({{e|Mission Farpoint}})
* <q>There are four lights.</q> ({{e|Geheime Mission auf Celtris Drei, Teil II)
Außerdem wird ausgiebig <q>Energie!</q> und <q>Machen Sie es so!</q> zitiert.
;Externe Links
* [http://wiki.ytmnd.com/Picard_Song Picard Song] bei [wiki.ytmnd.com ytmnd.com]
== Deodato ==
;Externe Links
* {{wikipedia|Spock's Beard}}
== The Aquabats ==
In ihrem Song „Meltdown!“ vom 2005 veröffentlichten Album „Charge!!“ singt die US-amerikanische Pop-Punk-Band '''The Aquabat''' die Zeile „I will go to work, just like [[James Tiberius Kirk|Captain Kirk]]“
;Externe Links
* {{wikipedia|The Aquabats}}
== The Wohlstandskinder ==
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