Oh, On the Starship Enterprise
Oh, On the Starship Enterprise ist ein von Nyota Uhura komponiertes Lied. 2266 singt Uhura zwei verschiedene Versionen dieses Liedes im Freizeitraum der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) und wird dabei von Spock auf der Laute begleitet.
Die erste Version bezieht sich auf Spock, die zweite auf Charlie Evans, der gerade den Raum betreten hat. Uhura adaptiert das Lied und münzt es auf die romantischen Gefühle, die Evans offenbar für Janice Rand hat. (TOS: Der Fall Charly)
Oh, on the starship Enterprise
There's someone who's in Satan's guise,
Whose devil ears and devil eyes
Could rip your heart from you!
At first his look could hypnotize,
And then his touch would barbarize.
His alien love could victimize:…
And rip your heart from you!
And that's why female astronauts
Oh very female astronauts
Wait terrified and overwrought
To find what he will do.
Oh girls in space, be wary,
Be wary, be wary!
Girls in space, be wary!
We know not what he'll do.
"Oh, Charlie's Our New Darling"-VersionBearbeiten
Now from a planet out in space
There comes a lad not commonplace
Oh, seeking out his first embrace.
He's saving it for you.
Oh, Charlie's our new darling,
Our darling, our darling.
Charlie's our new darling.
We know not what he'll do.