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Memory Alpha Nova β

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Eine E-Book-Kurzgeschichte.




Vom Umschlagtext:

When a cultural observation probe malfunctions and crash-lands on a pre-warp world, the S.C.E. is sent in to destroy it before the technology falls into the hands of a civilization not prepared for it. Unfortunately, when Commander Gomez and her team arrive, they find that the device has already been captured by terrorist forces who intend to reverse-engineer the technology into a weapon that will change the balance of power on their world to deadly effect!

Now it's a race against time for the S.C.E. to find and destroy the probe before it's too late!


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Die Kurzgeschichte ist auch im Sammelband Grand Designs enthalten.

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Institutionen & Großmächte
Föderation, Sternenflotte
Spezies & Lebensformen
Mensch, X'Mariβ
Carol Abramowitzβ, Nancy Conlonβ, Kieran Duffy, David Goldβ, Sonya Gomez, Vance Hawkinsβ, Elizabeth Lense, Laura Poynterβ, Montgomery Scott, Fabian Stevens
Schiffe & Stationen
USS Da Vinciβ