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Star Trek: An Annotated Guide to Resources on the Development, the Phenomenon, the People, the Television Series, the Films, the Novels and Recordings

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Das Buch Star Trek: An Annotated Guide to Resources on the Development, the Phenomenon, the People, the Television Series, the Films, the Novels and Recordings ist ein Nachschlagewerk zu allen Filmen und Serien der Star-Trek-Reihe bis 1991. Es enthält zudem Informationen über Romane, Ton- und Videoträger.


Vom Umschlagtext:

Star Trek was first beamed into peoples homes in 1966 and when it went off the air three years later it was on its way to being the most successful failure in television history. Along the way it spawned nine feature films, three new television series, novels, books, video and audio tapes, records, computer games, merchandising tie-ins, fan clubs and conventions. Gibberman has summarized 25 years of just about everything written about Star Trek including details about the stars and guest-stars and information about the making of the television series and feature films. This work lists over 1,300 English-language articles about every aspect of the phenomenon
