keine Bearbeitungszusammenfassung
[[Major]] [[Kira Nerys]] greift auf einen Bericht des [[Bajoranischer Geheimdienst|bajoranischen Geheimdienstes]] im [[Bajoran Intelligence net]] zu ([[2369]]). ({{DS9|Die Kohn-Ma}})
[[Bajoran Intelligence net]]<br/>
[[Grade H-1]] Access Only
Kohn-Ma Activities Reports
[[sabotage]]d by reputed [[Kohn-Ma]] operations. Station was
[[Primärreaktor|primary power]] source for [[Cardassianische Bergbau-Station|Cardassian mining station]]
prior to [[Evakuierung|evacuation]]. [[Informant]]s believe [[Sabotage|sabotage]] was
intended to warn Cardassian officials not to attempt
to maintain use of the mining facilities.
File 94450 * - Cardassian [[Transportschiff|transport ship]] ''[[Barkano]]''
damaged by [[Asteroid|asteroid]] [[Kollision|collision]] near [[Rush-Asteroidengürtel|Rush Asteroid Belt]].
Cardassian official [[Glinn|Glen]] [sic] [[Delgado]] reported suspicions
that the [[Sternenkarte|computer chartcharts]]s of the region had been
altered so that the asteroids were not shown, possibly
a result of Kohn-Ma sabotage.
File 942541 * - [[Händler|Merchant]]s near [[Manak City]] reported
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