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A Burning House

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Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „{{Roman-Sidebar| Titel= A Burning House | Sortiername= | Serie= Star Trek: Klingon Empire | Reihe= | Zyk…“
Titel= A Burning House
| Sortiername=
| Serie= Star Trek: Klingon Empire
| Reihe=
| Zyklus=
| Cover= A Burning House.jpg
| Autor= Keith R.A. DeCandido
| Autor2=
| Autor3=
| ErsteSternzeit=
| LetzteSternzeit=
| Jahr= 2376
| Monat= 11
| Tag=
| Releases=

Titel= A Burning House
| Format= Softcover
| ISBN= 1416556478
| Sprache= en
| Cover= A Burning House.jpg
| Datum= 2008-01-29
| Verlag= Pocket Books
| Nummer=
| Seitenanzahl= 416
Titel= A Burning House
| Format= E-Book
| ISBN= 1416558845
| Sprache= en
| Cover= A Burning House.jpg
| Datum= 2008-01-29
| Verlag= Pocket Books
| Nummer=
| Seitenanzahl= 416

Dieser Roman behandelt die Reise der IKS ''Gorkon'' in das Gebiet der Kinder von San-Tarah.

== Inhalt ==
=== Zusammenfassung ===
{{Buchrückentext|They have been the [[Föderation|Federation]]'s staunchest allies, and its fiercest adversaries. Cunning, ruthless, driven by an instinct for violence and defined by a complex code of honor, they must push ever outward in order to survive, defying the icy ravages of space with the fire of their hearts. They are the Klingons, and if you think you already know all there is to learn about them... think again.

From its highest echelons of power to the shocking depths of lowest castes; from its savagely aggressive military to its humble farmers, from political machinations of galactic import to personal demons and family strife, the Klingon Empire is revealed as never before when the captain and crew of the IKS Gorkon finally return to their homeworld of Qo'noS in a sweeping tale of intrigue, love, betrayal, and honor.}}

=== Handlung ===
{{Brauche Inhaltsangabe}}

== Zitate ==
== Hintergrundinformationen ==
{{HGI|Das Cover wurde von [[Stephan Martiniere]] gestaltet und von [[Alan Dingman]] designt.}}
{{HGI|Ein Auszug wurde im [[Star Trek Magazine]], Heft 136 veröffentlicht.}}

== Links und Verweise ==
=== Verweise ===
| Ereignisse =
| Institutionen = [[Klingonisches Reich]], [[Klingonische Verteidigungsstreitmacht]], [[Romulanisches Sternenimperium]], [[Tholianische Versammlung]]
| Spezies = [[Andorianer]], [[Bajoraner]], [[Benzite]], [[Cardassianer]], [[Ferengi]], [[Klingone]]n, [[Romulaner]], [[Trill]], [[Wechselbalg]]
| Kultur =
| Person = [[Azetbur]], [[Julian Bashir]], [[Curzon Dax]], [[Ezri Dax]], [[Gorkon]], [[Gowron]], [[K'Ehleyr]], [[Klag]], [[Kornan]], [[Martok]], [[Nog]], [[Jean-Luc Picard]], [[William Thomas Riker]], [[Alexander Rozhenko]], [[Sergey Rozhenko]]
| Schiffe = {{MB|IKS Gorkon}}, [[IKS Negh'Var|IKS ''Negh'Var'']]
| Ort =
| Astronomie =
| Technik = ''[[Bat'leth]]'', ''[[D'k tahg]]''
| Nahrung =
| Sonstiges =

{{Navigationsleiste Roman|vor=Enemy Territory|weiter=|Serie=Star Trek: Klingon Empire}}

[[en:A Burning House]]