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Memory Alpha Nova β

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Worf muss zwischen dem Klingonischen Reich der rohstoffreichen Welt taD verhandeln, die für die Unabhängigkeit vom Reich kämpft.


Zusammenfassung der Handlung

Vom Umschlagtext:

200 YEARS AGO : The expanding Klingon Empire found a frozen world rich in deposits of the mineral topaline. They named the planet taD – Klingon for "frozen" – and they called the people jeghpu'wI' – conquered.

FOUR YEARS AGO: The Klingon Empire invaded Cardassia, breaching the Khitomer Accords and causing a break with the Federation. On taD, depleted Klingon forces were overthrown in a small coup d'état, and the victorious rebels took advantage of the disruption to appeal for recognition from the Federation.

NOW: The Klingons have returned to taD and re-established their control. But the stubborn rebels insist on Federation recognition. A solution to the diplomatic impasse must be found, a task that falls to the Federation's new ambassador to the Klingon Empire – Worf.

Worf thinks of himself as a fighter, not a negotiator, but the Federation disagrees. Now, for the sake of the Federation and the Empire, a Klingon warrior must weave a fragile peace out of a situation ripe for war!


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Das Cover wurde von Sonia Hillios gestaltet.

Der Roman spielt einige Monate nach dem Serienfinale von Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

Worf ist überrascht, wer der neue Sicherheitschef von Deep Space 9 ist. Dessen Name wird allerdings nicht erwähnt und erst in Avatar, Book One als Ro Laren identifiziert.


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