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Ship of the Line

Version vom 20. Juni 2024, 19:26 Uhr von Legat Garak (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „{{Roman-Sidebar| Titel= Ship of the Line | OriginalTitel= Ship of the Line | OriginalLink= Ship of the Line | Serie= TNG…“)
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Die erste Reise der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E).


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Vom Umschlagtext:

Revealed at last! The lost years between Star Trek Generations and Star Trek: First Contact.

The starship Enterprise 1701-D has been destroyed, and Captain Jean-Luc Picard finds himself without a command. While waiting for his new ship, Captain Picard has gone with Lt. Commander Worf on a delicate diplomatic mission to the Cardassian Empire.

As Picard conducts high-level negotiations for prisoners of war, the starship Enterprise 1701-E is being constructed under the supervision of Captain Bateson, a veteran of the twenty-third century who spent nearly ninety years in a pocket universe. Commanding this new Enterprise on a shakedown cruise, Captain Bateson has an idea of his own. In defiance of Starfleet Command, he will take Starfleet's newest, strongest starship and strike at the heart of the newly aggressive Klingon Empire.

Captain Picard's negotiations proceed smoothly – until he discovers that a hate-crazed Klingon commander – Captain Bateson's archenemy from ninety years ago – has taken the Enterprise from Bateson and launched a vicious attack on Cardassia Prime. To save the ship and preserve the intergalactic peace, Picard must ally himself with his former Cardassian torturer, rely on the legendary skills of one Montgomery Scott and draw new strength and inspiration from the memory of James T. Kirk …

Ship of the Line reveals an unforgettable lost chapter in the ongoing saga of Star Trek that will thrill readers of every generation.


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Schiffe & Stationen
USS Bozeman, USS Enterprise (NCC-1701), USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D), USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E)