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Memory Alpha Nova β

The Future Begins

Version vom 28. Februar 2024, 18:41 Uhr von Legat Garak (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „{{Roman-Sidebar| Titel= The Future Begins | OriginalTitel= The Future Begins | OriginalLink= The Future Begins | Serie=…“)
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Eine E-Book-Kurzgeschichte.




Vom Umschlagtext:

2375: After being rescued from the U.S.S. Jenolen by the crew of the Starship Enterprise™, Captain Montgomery Scott found himself seventy-five years removed from the time he knows, a twenty-third-century engineer now living in the twenty-fourth. Now he serves as the liaison between the Starfleet Corps of Engineers and the admiralty, supervising the S.C.E.'s mission assignments.

But Scott's transition into a new century is not an easy one. The horrors of the Dominion War in particular bring about a crisis of conscience that leads Scotty from the strife-torn world of Kropasar to the pleasure planet of Risa, where encounters with Admirals Alynna Nechayev and William Ross, Ensign Robin Lefler, and Lefler's mysterious mother lead Scotty to a momentous decision…


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Die Kurzgeschichte ist auch im Sammelband What's Past enthalten.

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