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The Demon, Book 2

Version vom 24. Oktober 2023, 19:17 Uhr von Legat Garak (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „{{Roman-Sidebar| Titel= The Demon, Book 2 | OriginalTitel= The Demon, Book 2 | OriginalLink= The Demon, Book 2 | Serie=…“)
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Eine E-Book-Kurzgeschichte.




Vom Umschlagtext:

Over the years, the S.C.E. team on the U.S.S. da Vinci has solved innumerable problems, and escaped from numerous deathtraps, from the ravages of interspace to the gas giant of Galvan VI. Now, they must enter the outer reaches of a deadly black hole known as "the Demon" in order to rescue an away team from a hidden Resaurian prison teetering on the edge of the singularity.

But the Resaurians will do everything they can to preserve their secrets, and keep the da Vinci from getting out of the Demon alive!


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Die Kurzgeschichte ist auch im Sammelband Aftermath enthalten.

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