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The Magic of Tribbles: The Making of Trials and Tribble-ations

Version vom 14. April 2018, 16:49 Uhr von imported>Eulenpost (Hintergrundinformationen: Typo)
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Das Buch The Magic of Tribbles: The Making of Trials and Tribble-ations beschäftigt sich mit der Entstehung der Episode DS9: Immer die Last mit den Tribbles.


Vom Umschlagtext:

Originally conceived of more than thirty-five years ago, these diminutive creatures have become stars in their own right. With uncanny grace and ease they have won hearts and upstaged stars.

They are tribbles.

When the writers of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine were looking for the perfect episode with which their characters could pay homage and interact with the crew from the original Star Trek, „The Trouble with Tribbles“ instantly came to mind.

Here is the story of how the wizards of Star Trek were able to create the magic that enabled - with nothing more than countless hours of work - ordinary actors to time-travel. This is the story behind the creation of the episode „Trials and Tribble-ations“. This is The Magic of Tribbles.


  • Introduction
  • Genesis – Let There Be „Cool“
  • A Mission from God
  • Green Light
  • All I Ask Is a Small Ship (and a space station and a battle cruiser)
  • Countdown To „Tribble-ation“
  • Pay No Attention to the Man Behind That Curtain
  • Lights! Camera! Tribbles!
  • Tribble-ations
  • Acknowledgments


Das Buch sollte eigentlich bereits zu Weihnachten 1997 inklusive eines Stoff-Tribbles als Beilage erscheinen. Man entschied sich letztlich dazu, das Buch als reines E-Book zu vermarkten. Eine Inklusion des Textes in das Referenzwerk Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion wurde kurzzeitig in Erwägung gezogen, jedoch wieder fallengelassen.