Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „{{Roman-Sidebar| Titel= The Demon, Book 1 | OriginalTitel= The Demon, Book 1 | OriginalLink= The Demon, Book 1 | Serie=…“
Titel= The Demon, Book 1
| OriginalTitel= The Demon, Book 1
| OriginalLink= The Demon, Book 1
| Serie= Star Trek: Corps of Engineers
| Reihe=
| Zyklus=
| Cover= The Demon, Book 1.jpg
| Autor= Aaron Rosenberg
| Autor2=
| Autor3=
| ErsteSternzeit=
| LetzteSternzeit=
| Jahr=
| Monat=
| Tag=
| Releases=
Titel= The Demon, Book 1
| Format= E-Book
| ISBN= 9780743476096
| Sprache= en
| Cover= The Demon, Book 1.jpg
| Datum= 2003-12-15
| Verlag= Pocket Books
| Nummer=
| Seitenanzahl= 125
| Übersetzer=
Eine E-Book-Kurzgeschichte.
== Inhalt ==
=== Zusammenfassung ===
{{Buchrückentext|What begins as a simple investigation of a peculiar subspace signal leads to an errand of mercy, as the da Vinci responds to a distress call – from the edge of a black hole! Hundreds of years ago, the Resaurians placed a station near the event horizon, forever teetering on the edge of the abyss, and now the S.C.E. must find a way to rescue them.
But the black hole, known as "the Demon," contains centuries-old secrets that the Resaurians will kill to protect – and both the U.S.S. da Vinci and the station may be sacrificed to the Demon in order to preserve those secrets!}}
=== Handlung ===
{{Brauche Inhaltsangabe}}
== Hintergrundinformationen ==
Die Kurzgeschichte ist auch im Sammelband [[Aftermath (Omnibus)|Aftermath]] enthalten.
== Links und Verweise ==
=== Sonstige Verweise ===
| Ereignisse =
| Institutionen = [[Föderation]], [[Ingenieurskorps der Sternenflotte]], [[Sternenflotte]]
| Spezies = [[Mensch]], {{MB|Resaurianer}}, [[Tellarit]]
| Kultur =
| Person = {{MB|Carol Abramowitz}}, {{MB|Domenica Corsi}}, {{MB|Bart Faulwell}}, {{MB|David Gold}}, [[Sonya Gomez]], {{MB|Vance Hawkins}}, {{MB|Susan Hazneldl}}, {{MB|Rennan Konya}}, {{MB|Ellec Krotine}}, [[Elizabeth Lense]], {{MB|Joanne Piotrowski}}, {{MB|Laura Poynter}}, {{MB|Madeline Robins}}, {{MB|Robin Rusconi}}, {{MB|Anthony Shabalala}}, {{MB|Soloman}}, {{MB|Fabian Stevens}}, {{MB|Mor glasch Tev}}, {{MB|Makk Vinx}}, {{MB|Songmin Wong}}
| Schiffe = {{MB|USS Da Vinci}}
| Ort =
| Astronomie = {{MB|Galvan VI}}
| Technik = {{MB|Hawking-Strahlung}}
| Nahrung =
| Sonstiges =
{{Navigationsleiste Roman|vor=Collective Hindsight, Book 2|weiter=The Demon, Book 2|Serie=Star Trek: Corps of Engineers}}
[[en:The Demon, Book One]]
Titel= The Demon, Book 1
| OriginalTitel= The Demon, Book 1
| OriginalLink= The Demon, Book 1
| Serie= Star Trek: Corps of Engineers
| Reihe=
| Zyklus=
| Cover= The Demon, Book 1.jpg
| Autor= Aaron Rosenberg
| Autor2=
| Autor3=
| ErsteSternzeit=
| LetzteSternzeit=
| Jahr=
| Monat=
| Tag=
| Releases=
Titel= The Demon, Book 1
| Format= E-Book
| ISBN= 9780743476096
| Sprache= en
| Cover= The Demon, Book 1.jpg
| Datum= 2003-12-15
| Verlag= Pocket Books
| Nummer=
| Seitenanzahl= 125
| Übersetzer=
Eine E-Book-Kurzgeschichte.
== Inhalt ==
=== Zusammenfassung ===
{{Buchrückentext|What begins as a simple investigation of a peculiar subspace signal leads to an errand of mercy, as the da Vinci responds to a distress call – from the edge of a black hole! Hundreds of years ago, the Resaurians placed a station near the event horizon, forever teetering on the edge of the abyss, and now the S.C.E. must find a way to rescue them.
But the black hole, known as "the Demon," contains centuries-old secrets that the Resaurians will kill to protect – and both the U.S.S. da Vinci and the station may be sacrificed to the Demon in order to preserve those secrets!}}
=== Handlung ===
{{Brauche Inhaltsangabe}}
== Hintergrundinformationen ==
Die Kurzgeschichte ist auch im Sammelband [[Aftermath (Omnibus)|Aftermath]] enthalten.
== Links und Verweise ==
=== Sonstige Verweise ===
| Ereignisse =
| Institutionen = [[Föderation]], [[Ingenieurskorps der Sternenflotte]], [[Sternenflotte]]
| Spezies = [[Mensch]], {{MB|Resaurianer}}, [[Tellarit]]
| Kultur =
| Person = {{MB|Carol Abramowitz}}, {{MB|Domenica Corsi}}, {{MB|Bart Faulwell}}, {{MB|David Gold}}, [[Sonya Gomez]], {{MB|Vance Hawkins}}, {{MB|Susan Hazneldl}}, {{MB|Rennan Konya}}, {{MB|Ellec Krotine}}, [[Elizabeth Lense]], {{MB|Joanne Piotrowski}}, {{MB|Laura Poynter}}, {{MB|Madeline Robins}}, {{MB|Robin Rusconi}}, {{MB|Anthony Shabalala}}, {{MB|Soloman}}, {{MB|Fabian Stevens}}, {{MB|Mor glasch Tev}}, {{MB|Makk Vinx}}, {{MB|Songmin Wong}}
| Schiffe = {{MB|USS Da Vinci}}
| Ort =
| Astronomie = {{MB|Galvan VI}}
| Technik = {{MB|Hawking-Strahlung}}
| Nahrung =
| Sonstiges =
{{Navigationsleiste Roman|vor=Collective Hindsight, Book 2|weiter=The Demon, Book 2|Serie=Star Trek: Corps of Engineers}}
[[en:The Demon, Book One]]