The Kelvin Timeline of Star Trek: Essays on J.J. Abrams' Final Frontier: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Aktuelle Version vom 2. Juli 2023, 22:37 Uhr

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The Kelvin Timeline of Star Trek: Essays on J.J. Abrams' Final Frontier ist ein Referenzwerk, das eine Analyse des Führungsverhaltens in Star Trek liefert.


Erste Auflage[Bearbeiten]

Vom Umschlagtext:

In an era of reboots, restarts and retreads, J.J. Abrams' Star Trek trilogy--featuring new, prequel adventures of Kirk, Spock and the rest of the original series characters, aboard the USS Enterprise--has brought the franchise to a new generation and perfected a process that is increasingly central to entertainment media: reinvigorating the beloved classic. This collection of new essays offers the first in-depth analysis of the new trilogy and the vision of the next generation of Star Trek film-makers. Issues of gender, race, politics, economics, technology and morality--always key themes of the franchise--are explored in the 21st century context of "The Kelvin Timeline."