→Pocket Books (engl.)
* [[Star Trek: Dark Passions]]
* [[Star Trek: Department of Temporal Investigations]]
* [[Engines of Destiny|Star Trek: Engines of Destiny]]* [[Excelsior|Star Trek: Excelsior]]
* [[Portale|Star Trek: Gateways]]
* [[Star Trek: Klingon (Roman)|Star Trek: Klingon]]
* [[Star Trek: Mirror Universe]]
* [[Myriad Universes|Star Trek: Myriad Universes]]* [[The Needs of the Many|Star Trek: Online-The Needs of the Many]]* [[Seven Deadly Sins|Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins]]* [[Tales from the Captain's Table|Star Trek: Tales from the Captain's Table]]* [[Tales of the Dominion War|Star Trek: Tales of the Dominion War]]* [[The Brave and the Bold|Star Trek: The Brave and the Bold]]
* [[The Captain's Table|Star Trek: The Captain's Table]]
* [[Star Trek: The Lost Era]]